1. Are there factors that limit the availability to share data? If so, which are these? Describe who you will make the restricted data available to, and under which conditions.

Some of the factors that limit sharing data include sensitive information or personal information on study participants such as their names, social security numbers, and contact information like their physical address. A dataset may not be shared for the same reasons. This sort of restricted data should only be made available to researchers with credentials such as doctors who are researching a related topic, such as diabetes.

Ethnographic information is also sensitive information. The tribes do not readily share information about the plants they use, artwork, or locations of sacred places with the general public. Therefore, researchers, graduate students, and archaeologists know not to share this data with the general public. This restricted information is kept by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), and you must sign a User Agreement.

In order to access this data you must be a student in good standing at your college or university. The data you are planning to access must be related to your classwork or study. The student must have their professor co-sign the agreement and submit a transcript or other documentation that the student is currently enrolled, or a copy of the degree achieved.

  1. If you are going to make data publicly available describe when you will make it publicly available.

To share a dataset is commonly done after the final submission or publication of the research paper. On OSU’s ScholarArchives the landing page announces recent submissions. All of the papers and metadata submitted to the ScholarsArchive is available to everyone with an internet connection. The data will be made publicly available through OSUScholarsArchive. The data formats used will include PDFs, tables and spreadsheets will be in a comma delimited text file format, images will be as .tiff, .jp2, and .png file formats.

Policies governing reuse, redistribution, and creation are provided by Oregon State University.
The data is useable for personal study, education, research, and value-added services such as extraction of citations. The data is not intended for commercial purposes or advertising. If distributing portions of an article, it must be properly cited, and do not misrepresent the data in any way.

  1. Regardless of whether the data will be made publicly available or not, describe how the research group will ensure that the data will be archived and preserved and for how long. Identify a timeframe for how long the data will be archived. Describe the types and formats that will be preserved, and the types and formats that the investigators will retain in their possession.

The research data will be archived and preserved within Oregon State University's archival system. This infrastructure includes a persistent URL that is considered permanent.

  “Every work in ScholarsArchive@OSU is secured to a persistent URL that won’t break or disappear.  OSU Libraries is committed to          maintaining and preserving content and associated metadata stored within ScholarsArchive@OSU.”                                                (