
CoPylot Server

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting Started

This server is mean't to run on Heroku in production and locally in development. If you don't have a Heroku account, create one here: https://signup.heroku.com/login


Update Your Enivroment

Update the .env file for your environment

Run Locally

  1. Install modules npm install
  2. Confirm that you have Postgres and Redis running and configured properly
  3. Run command foreman start. This will start the server with all the environment variables needed to make the app work.
  4. Watch your logs live by running this command forever logs -f app.js
  5. If you want to kill the server, run forever stopall or forever stop <pid>

Create A Heroku App

  1. Login into Heroku from the toolbelt cli heroku login
  2. Call heroku create
  3. Set environmental variables from your .env on Heroku heroku config:set <env var> --app <app>
  4. Create a Postgres database on Heroku heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
  5. Create a Redis database on Heroku heroku addons:create heroku-redis:test

Run on Heroku

  1. Push code to Heroku git push heroku master
  2. Watch your logs live by running this command heroku logs --tail