
My modified version of the bashpodder script

Primary LanguageShell


Project Status: Inactive – The project has reached a stable, usable state but is no longer being actively developed; support/maintenance will be provided as time allows.

This is my modified version of the bashpodder podcatcher script. It is available under the GPL.

The original is available at https://github.com/lincgeek/bashpodder . This includes some enhancements made by Ellen Taylor available at https://github.com/ellencubed/bashpodder .


This iteration assumes that bashpodder.bash, bp.conf, parse_enclosure.xsl, and podcast.log are in the directory you wish to download podcasts to.

To print out (and store in test.log) what files bashpodder would download without actually downloading them:

bash$ bash bashpodder.bash test

To download any podcast files not found in podcast.log:

bash$ bash bashpodder.bash download

Like the original bashpodder and unlike Ellen Taylor's version which downloads only the last podcast the download action will download ALL available podcasts not recorded in pdocast.log. However the test action shows you all the files it will download so you can place undesired ones the into podcast.log before actually downloading. To mark ALL podcasts as downloaded (so in the future you'll only download new podcasts) you can do:

bash$ bashpodder.bash test >> podcast.log

You can sometimes place previously downloaded files from other podcatchers into podcast.log using the ls command:

bash$ ls PopupChinese/*.mp3 >> podcast.log

Files downloaded by bashpodder will automatically be recorded into podcast.log. To re-download simply delete the entry and run bashpodder.

Bashpodder requires you have bash, wget, awk, sed and xsltproc.


Feeds are defined in bp.conf as:

http://podcastfeedurl.com/rss feeddir

'feeddir' being the subdirectory for that particular feed.

bp.conf.example contains an example with some of my favorite non-personalized Podcasts (to use it rename it to bp.conf).

The podcast directory to download files is defined by the datadir environmental variable in bashpodder.bash and defaults to the working directory.

Create playlists

You can create simple playlists by listing files in a text files with m3u suffix:

bash$ ls PopupChinese/*dialogue.mp3 > PopupChinese/dialogue_playlist.m3u

A m3u playlist is automatically created in each Podcast directory.

Schedule jobs

To regularly download scripts you can set up a crontab job.