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Python Discord Sc2 Bot

Work in progress, bot is meant to be used privately


  • Install python 3.7 or newer (32 or 64 bit)
  • Run commands
    pip install poetry --user
    poetry install
    in this directory on the command line to install python requirements
  • Go to the discord developer portal, log in with your discord account and create an application
  • Under OAuth2 tab, set checkmark at bot and copy the authorization link into a new tab in your browser, select which server you want your bot to connect to (you have to be server admin on the discord server)
  • Under Bot Tab, reveal your token and copy it
  • Create a new my_key.json file in this bot folder, with contents
        "key": "your-token-as-string"
  • Go to the twitch dev portal, log in with your twitch account, go to dashboard, view apps, register a new application with OAuth Redirect URL http://localhost and hit Create
  • Now click Manage on the application, copy the Cient ID
  • Create a new file called my_client_id.json in this bot folder and paste your client id into the field
        "client_id": "your_client_id"
  • You can now launch the bot.
  • Add the bot to your discord server by going to the discord dev portal, click your bot, go to OAuth2 tab and select the bot scope. Then open the newly generated link to connect it to a server. The link should look something like
  • Type something in a channel the bot can see, and the bot will create a new settings.json file with the server's ID. Here you can edit the bot admins on that server locally if you can't access the bot (or just change self.owner in the file directly)


Run the bot with command

poetry run python

or if that doesn't work:

python -m poetry run python


Public commands:

# Uses the sc2unmasked api to find account names, clans, or streamer names and lists the result as a table in discord
!mmr <sc2-name>

# Uses the twitch api to find starcraft 2 streams on twitch (that are live) and find their latest vod with the timestamp
!vod <sc2-twitch-name>

# Remind the user in a certain time in the same channel of a text message
!reminder <time> <message>

# Remind the user at a certain time in the same channel of a text message
!remindat <time> <message>

# List all active reminders of the user

# Remove a reminder from !reminders
!delreminder <reminder-id>