

What is this

This is a repository for my twitch stream scripts that I plan to publish and polish at one point. I will try to maintain and update them. There will be no GUI for these scripts because I don't want to put 90% of the work just for the GUI.

These scripts will be orientated around Python 3.7, StarCraft 2, OBS Studio and Twitch.

These scripts will use and interact with the Twitch-API, Twitch Chat, StarCraft 2 Client API, API, StarCraft 2 replay parsers. HTML files (for OBS as overlay) and twitch chat will be used as output.



  • Install Python 3.7 or newer
  • OBS Studio (or Streamlabs OBS if you don't care about the scene switcher script)
  • Download all files in this repository and unzip
  • In command line, run pip install poetry --user to install poetry
  • In command line, navigate to this folder and run poetry install to install the python requirements to run the bot (this may take a minute)
  • For the scene switcher to work, you need to install the OBS websocket plugin

Configuration (Quick)

Run python ./ and follow the instructions.

Configuration (Detailled)

  1. Generate an oAuth-token, so that the bot can read chat messages (build order and betting system): Log into your bot's twitch account (or open a new window in incognito if you don't want to log out of your main account) and go to to generate a token - Do not show this token to anyone. This token is used by the bot to read and write messages.

    Further more, create a twitch 'application' by going to and creating a new application (can be made from your main or your bot's account). Fill out any name, set 'OAuth Redirect URLs' to 'http://localhost' and pick category 'Chat bot'. After you created your 'application', click 'manage' and copy your 'Client ID' - Do not show this token to anyone. This client_id is used to check if your stream is online.

  2. In the config folder, edit the following files with a text editor:

    • Edit (or create) twitch_irc_token.json with a text editor, paste the token (from step 1) so the file contents has to look like this:
          "token": "oauth:123my_completely_random_tokenabc"
    • Edit (or create) twitch_client_id.json with a text editor, paste the token (from step 1) so the file contents has to look like this:
          "client_id": "my_client_id"
    • Edit bot_config.json and change the twitch channel and bot name accordingly. Set bot_name to the account the bot should write in chat to announce things (e.g. betting script), which can also be your main streaming account.
    • In same file you can enable or disable certain scripts
  3. To configure the match_info overlay, open the match_info folder and edit the config.json

    • Fill the list of accounts with your SC2 account names (the name that appears on the loading screen)
    • Set the server to the server you are playing on (one of: "eu", "us", "kr" or "" (=empty), the script will be much more accurate if you put a server)
  4. To configure the build order overlay, go into the build_order_overlay folder and edit the config.json

    • voting_time_duration is the duration (in seconds) the players can vote for which build order the streamer should play (if more than 1 build order is active for the current ongoing matchup). If only one build order is active for this matchup, it will show. If no build order is active, the overlay will not show.
    • build_order_step_fade_animation_in_ms is the amount of time the animation will take to swap to the next step. Lower value results in faster animations.
    • Edit build_orders.txt to adjust the build orders that should appear on stream.
      • # can be used as comments (will not show up)
      • After a line of === comes the build order title
      • After a line of --- comes the build order configuration: here you can enable or disable it and set the matchup which the build order is for
      • The priority displays the order it shows up in viewer-voting (if a build order has a vote-tie, the build order with higher priority will be chosen)
      • After a line of +++, the build order items should be written down
      • Build order items should be in format minute:seconds text
  5. To configure the scene switcher, go into the scene_switcher folder

    • Edit the config.json
      • Set the host IP and port if you changed the default OBS websocket plugin settings within OBS Studio, otherwise leave it as it is
      • Set your scenes. If your SC2 game scene is called SceneGame, then put "game_scene": "SceneGame",
      • It can choose from 3 available scenes:
        • Game scene (when you are playing the game (1v1, teamgames, coop, arcade))
        • Replay scene (when you are observing a game, watching the replay or rewind after the game is over)
        • Menu scene (for all other SC2 locations)
  6. Activating overlays in OBS:

    • Go into the overlay_files folder
    • Drag and drop the desired .html overlay files into OBS.
    • Resolution for the .html files should to the following (30 fps should suffice):
      • match_info.html: 260 width, 170 height
      • build_order_vote.html: 420 width, 500 height (depending on how many build orders you have active)
      • build_order_step.html: 470 width, 330 height

Running the bot

For the scripts the work, the bot needs to run in the background. It will output various (seemingly useless) information to the console and bot.log file.

  • In command line, navigate to this folder and run poetry run or python -m poetry run to start the bot.
  • It will print READY | burnysc2bot if it successfully started and connected to your twitch chat

Script plugins and modules

This is a list of features that are working or might come into existance at one point:


If you run into bugs or issues or have questions, feel free to message me in Discord BuRny#8752 or create a new issue on github.


Run python tests (assuming you have python 3.7+ installed):

pip install poetry
poetry install
poetry run pytest test

Run npm tests (assuming you have npm / node installed):

npm install
npm test

Run prettier

Python autoformatting

black . --line-length 120

JS autoformatting

npx prettier --write "**/*.js"