Access portainer

Access docker gui (portainer): http://localhost:9000

Access pgadmin

Access postgres through pgadmin: http://localhost:5050

Log in with password: "admin"

Link pgadmin to postgres by "adding server" postgres with password "changeme"

Start containers

docker-compose up --build

Shut down containers

docker-compose down


Inspect a docker container by attaching to it interactively:

# Start containers
docker-compose up --build
# Bash/Sh into running container
docker-compose exec myscript bash
docker-compose exec portainer sh
# If container is not running, start container and go into bash
docker-compose run myscript bash

Developing inside VSCode

You will require the Remote - Containers plugin

Now you can follow this guide

Developing inside Pycharm

You will require the Docker plugin

Now you can follow this guide

You can run commands inside the container using docker-compose run myscript bash

Run script locally


pip install poetry 
poetry install


poetry run python