This is a repo containing two scripts to obfuscate and compile (and encrypt) a python-sc2 bot to .exe


  • Download the repo

  • pip install -r requirements.txt or python -m pip -r requirements.txt

Obfuscating and compiling

  • Change your encryption key in encryptionkey.txt (not tested if this step works properly)

  • Run the obfuscate.bat or the commands in it

How does it perform obfuscation?

It parses your bot file(s) and the python-sc2/sc2 files for class names, function names and parameter names, enums and imports aswell as a few variable names from the python-sc2/sc2 files, so that you can still call self.state.units for example. All of those found names will be added to the opy_config_default.txt file in the plain_names variable.

Now the script runs Opy.

Opy creates a new folder with files obfuscated.

Then it copies the original python-sc2/sc2 files over the obfuscated ones, as those do not need to be obfuscated. Obfuscating the python-sc2/sc2 files would result in errors.

How does it compile to an .exe?

It uses pyinstaller with a command similar to

pyinstaller --onefile --add-binary="C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support64\icuin52.dll;." --add-binary="C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support64\icuuc52.dll;." --add-binary="C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support64\icudt52.dll;." --add-data="python-sc2\sc2;sc2" --clean --distpath="mybot_compiled" example_bot.py

Thanks to AiSee to figuring this one out!


Why is the .exe file so big?

I included all the scipy .dll files which are about 30mb big. The resulting bot should be around 50mb.

I use another library but it keeps obfuscating the function methods and as a result it crashes

Create a new entry of your library name, e.g. numpy, and add it to the list of ignore names in opy_config_default.txt in the variable external_modules.

Can't the pyinstaller file be easily extracted?

If not encrypted, yes it can via python-exe-unpacker and then decompiled using uncompyle6. However, it may still take some times to read the code obfuscated by Opy.


  • Does not work with the class __slots__ magic method

  • Does not work with f strings

  • There may be some variables of the python-sc2 library not being taken care of, especially variables from protobuf, e.g. unit._proto.movement_speed. Just add these variables to plain_names in opy_config_default.txt