
This is my personal template to write Rust code. It contains various example functions and tasks that I may have to look up in the future.

Rust commands

Update rust installation
rustup default nightly
rustup update
Downgrade to specific rust version

rustup install 1.40.0

Downgrade to specific nightly version at date

rustup install nightly-YYYY-MM-DD

Apply version:

rustup override set nightly-YYYY-MM-DD

Install package so that you can use the rust package manager


cargo install cargo-edit

Install clippy linter

cargo clippy

rustup component add clippy
cargo clippy
Run automatic formatting of source files

cargo fmt

rustup component add rustfmt
cargo fmt
Install crates

cargo add crate_name

Remove crates

cargo rm crate_name


cargo run

Run test functions (and benchmark functions once)

cargo test

Run benchmark functions

cargo bench

Check for errors and unused variables etc

cargo check

Smaller binaries


With xargo I was able to get my binary down to 90kb

cargo install xargo

xargo build --release