
My project forConfers cs490 research project. Components include Raspberry Pi, BerryIMU, and Chuck.

Primary LanguagePython


My project forConfers cs490 research project. Components include Raspberry Pi, BerryIMU, and Chuck.

The project senses rapid movements and/or tilt (depending on the mode its in) and interprets the data. Then, the program will interpret a command to be sent wirelessly to my laptop (over a python pseudo netcat connection) where my receiving program shall execute the command and create/adjust sounds synthesized or fed to the chuck program. 👌

#What is all this?? project_accel.py: - one of the main projects, detects accelerometer sensor readings and sends off command to run chuck to listener

    - one of the main projects, detects tilt readings in degrees, maps them to ranges from -80 to
        130 degrees into a note to be executed. Must have netcat listener on receiving system and
        chuck running in headless mode by running chuck --loop

netcat directory:
    - contains netcat class that is used by project scripts to send off instructions
    - should be either used by the project scripts themselves, or imported from python interpreter
          calling from interpreter use cases are for setting up a listener to execute commands
          or for sending off commands via buffer variable buf, interactive user input was removed
          for script functionality

laptop-side directory:
    - contains: wav files that chuck runs for punches, chuck scripts that are translated to chuck
        opcodes and run by the chuck vm
    - should be either used by calling the .ck scripts from the project .py files, or fed to chuck 
        vm directly to test out :ok_hand:
pi-side directory:
    - contains ozzmaker default scripts that initialize the sensors and display data (we modify 
        these scripts as seen in project_accel.py and project_tilt.py)
    - contains important register and peripheral memory addresses used by project scripts

    - modified project scripts to only detect sensor readings and write out to a file for latter
    - testing network connection from client to listener



  • idk wait a bit come back and write more
  • allow seamless switching between the 2 modes
  • use some audio software to get rid of trail of silence before and after punch noise
  • fine tune difference between punch and not reg. movement (velocity of changing tilt to note)