
Fully asynchronous SMB library written in pure python

Primary LanguagePython


Fully asynchronous SMB library written in pure python. Python 3.7+ ONLY


It is far from ready. There are TONS of things to do to make this library usable for production.

What is expected

A lot of bugs and weird crashes. That aside, I believe I can bring this project to a stable version so you will be able to use it to perform normal operations as well as security ones as well.


  • Authentication to fully support SPNEGO with SSPI : DONE (SMB only, DCERPC ongoing)
  • Have nice interface for reading/writing files: Ongoing, reading works now but far from ready
  • Interface for qurying file/folder/pipe/... information: The logic is there, now it's just muscle-work to have all descriptor objects implemented
  • Interface for creating files and folders: not yet
    • Not going to lie, I'm ripping off impacket for this one. The whole DCERPC is a mess as a protocol. A word for whoever designed it: you are a bad person.
    • Interface for controlling services: object is ready and stable, but missing a lot of functionalities
    • Interface for controlling registry: object is ready and stable, but missing a lot of functionalities
    • Interface for controlling drsuapi: in plans. First I want to get DCERPC to support Kerberos and or SPNEGO. Only NTLM works for now.
    • Any other RPC interfaces: not started or not even ready for testing.

Connection string

This section describes the connection string format that will be used with this library's examples. I have been thinking on what would be the ideal format for the connection tring that would be both somewhat user firendly and allow to leverage all capabilities of the authentication and came up with the following.


auth_type can be one of the following:

  • ntlm
  • kerberos
  • sspi-ntlm
  • sspi-kerberos

secret_type can be one of the following:

  • password
  • nt
  • aes
  • rc4
  • ccache


The following parameters are used (the user victim is trying to log in to the domain controller): Username: victim
Domain: TEST
Passowrd: Passw0rd!1
DC IP address:
DC hostname: win2019ad

Example 1 - NTLM with password


Example 2 - NTLM with NT hash


Example 3 - NTLM using the SSPI in Windows


Example 4 - KERBEROS with password


Example 5 - KERBEROS with NT hash


Example 6 - KERBEROS using the SSPI in Windows
