
Scripts and programs I've written for classwork or to make life easier

Primary LanguagePython


Scripts and programs I've written for classwork or to make life easier

Classwork directory: branchpred.py- Script for an assignment that accepted a file of unknown size containing hex addresses, an '@' or '.' symbol then another hex address on every line. This was to, in a very basic way, simulate different algorithms that exist for predicting if branches were to be taken or not.

hw_addition.asm- an assembly program that is targetted towards
a turing machine architecture that confer wrote an supplied
for the class. The architectures assembly syntax and opcodes
were implemented and fine tuned by confer, but developed by
the whole class, which was interesting. This particular program
took 2 numbers and added them together.

hwfinal.asm- an assembly program that is targetted towards the
sunyat architecture that confer and a group of students developed.
This particular program takes in 2 digits and converts them to the
hex equivalent. (ex. 15 turns to 0x0F)

Openhouse directory: basic-netcat.py- Script from BlackHatPython that emulates functionality of netcat.

basic-sshRcmd.py- Script from BlackHatPython that establishes
or listens for a connection and emulates ssh. Provides encrypted
connection as the listener and works with basic-sshserver.py

basic-sshserver.py- Script from BlackHatPython that allows for
encrypted connection. Emulates ssh and acts as the client/sender
for the connection. Works with basic-sshRcmd.py

basic-ssh-connection.py- Script from BlackHatPython that uses
default creds to establish ssh connection that sends a single
command 'ls'

tcp-client.py- Script from BlackHatPython that establishes basic
tcp connection to google and posts the response from a GET 
request to the terminal

redteam directory: will be adding more to this, essentially it was ideas/lil scripts that I was planning to use in cnyhackathon to be a troll

troll.sh- script that will not only write in ascii art, 
"redteam rules" to the terminal, but will also utilize tput to
move the terminals cursor back up to the beginning of the ascii
art, essentially forcing users to write over the ascii art or
repeatedly clear the screen until they delete the cronjob invoking
this script. lolz