
A tool to examine nuget packages to make sure they are release worthy

Primary LanguageF#MIT LicenseMIT


Inspect and validate the contents of your NuGet packages before you push them out in the world.

Available inspections

  • Inspects that all dlls are build in Release configuration
  • Inspects version numbers of dlls inside the nuget package.
  • Inspect that dlls have the right public key token applied

The tool will also emit all metadata in a way that its easy unleash your own bash/powershell/scripting skills against standard out.


Distributed as a .NET tool so install using the following

dotnet tool install nupkg-validator


dotnet nupkg-validator 

You can omit dotnet if you install this as a global tool

USAGE: nupkg-validator [--help] [--assemblynametolookfor <string>] [--dllstoskip <string>]
                       [--expectedversion <string>] [--notmajoronly <bool>] [--publickey <string>]
                       [--nodependencies <bool>] <string>


  <string>             Specify the path to the nuget package


  --assemblynametolookfor, -a <string>
        Filter for dll(s) with this AssemblyName
  --dllstoskip, -d <string>
        Filter, comma separated list of strings of dlls file names to skip, defaults to none
  --expectedversion, -v <string>
        Assert that this version number was set properly on the dlls
  --notmajoronly, -n <bool>
        Assert AssemblyVersion is the --expectedversion, by default we assert its MAJOR.0.0.0
  --publickey, -k <string>
        Assert this public key token makes it way on the AssemblyName for the dlls
  --nodependencies <bool>
        Assert the package has NO dependencies
  --help                display this list of options.


Print out nuspec and dll metadata information.

By default the tool inspects all dlls for Release mode. There is no toggle to turn this of. Feel free to open an issue with your usecase if you need this.

dotnet nupkg-validator  build/output/nupkg-validator*.nupkg  

truncated output example:

Temp output folder: /tmp/nupkg-validator.0.2.1-canary.0.9

[nuspec] file: /tmp/nupkg-validator.0.2.1-canary.0.9/nupkg-validator.nuspec
[nuspec] namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2012/06/nuspec.xsd
[metadata] id: nupkg-validator 
[metadata] version: 0.2.1-canary.0.9 
[metadata] title: nupkg-validator: a dotnet tool to validate NuGet packages 
[metadata] authors: nupkg-validator 
[metadata] owners: nupkg-validator 
[dll] tools/netcoreapp3.1/any/nupkg-validator.dll
[dll] nupkg-validator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=96c599bbe3e70f5d
[version] Assembly:
[version] AssemblyFile:
[version] Informational: 0.2.1-canary.0.9
Validate version
dotnet nupkg-validator  build/output/nupkg-validator*.nupkg -v 0.2.1-canary.0.9

Asserts best practices are being followed around open source libraries

[version] Assembly:
[version] AssemblyFile:
[version] Informational: 0.2.1-canary.0.9

Noteworthy is that the AssemblyVersion is expected to be Major.0.0.0, if you don't follow this pattern use --notmajoronly

dotnet nupkg-validator  build/output/nupkg-validator*.nupkg -v 0.2.1-canary.0.9 --notmajoronly true
Validate strong name
dotnet nupkg-validator  build/output/nupkg-validator*.nupkg -k 96c599bbe3e

Asserts PublicKeyToken=96c599bbe3e is part of the full assembly name

Validate no nuget dependencies

A flag to fail the tool if the nuspec file declares dependencies to other NuGet packages.

dotnet nupkg-validator  build/output/nupkg-validator*.nupkg --nodependencies true