
Generates a PHP SDK based on a WSDL, simple and powerful

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WsdlToPhp Package Generator

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Package Generator eases the creation of a PHP package in order to call any SOAP oriented Web Service.

Its purpose is to provide a full OOP approach to send SOAP requests using:

  • PHP classes for parameters that match the Web Service parameter names
  • PHP Service classes that match the operation names provided by the Web Service

The generated package does not need PEAR nor NuSOAP, at least :

  • PHP 5.3.3,
  • SoapClient : natively installed with PHP,
  • DOM : natively installed with PHP,
  • PackageBase: automatically installed on standalone mode (default mode), it contains utility classes used by the generated classes. Full documentation about the classes is available at the project homepage. If you're not using the standalone mode, you must add wsdltophp/packagebase: dev-master in your main composer.json file.


Generated package hierarchy

	    /ArrayType/: classes that contain one property which is an array of items
	    /EnumType/: classes that only contain constants, enumerations defined by the WSDL
	    /ServiceType/: classes that give access to the operations
	    /StructType/: any type that represents a request/response and their sub elements
	    /ClassMap.php: the class that defines the mapping between generated classes and declared structs
    /vendor/: automatically created by composer on standalone mode (default: true)
    /composer.json: automatically created by composer on standalone mode (default: true)
    /composer.lock: automatically created by composer on standalone mode (default: true)
    /tutorial.php: generated if ```--gentutorial``` option is enabled (default: true)

Warning about the generated classes and their property usage

Every generated classes which represent a Struct element that has to be sent or received have their property defined as public. Nevertheless you SHOULD always use the generated setters and getters in order to ensure the good behavior of the objects you create. Following the fixed issue #48, it has been decided to unset nillable and non required (minOccurs=0) properties from the object as soon as the value assigned to the property is null. To handle this particularities:

  • the setter takes care of unsetting the property if the value passed as parameter to this method is null,
  • the getter ensure that no PHP notice (Undefined property) is fired when we try to access the property, null is then returned.


The generator comes with several options:

  • Required package configuration:
    • --urlorpath: path or url to get the WSDL
    • --destination: absolute path where the classes must be generated
    • --composer-name: must be present to define the composer name in the generated package's composer.json file (only on standalone mode, see standalone option)
    • --force: must be present to generate the package, otherwise you'll get the debug informations
  • Optional generated class naming:
    • --prefix: the classes name prefix, used as the main namespace
    • --suffix: the classes name suffix, used as the main namespace if no prefix is defined
  • Optional basic Authentication credentials, if the WSDL is protected by a Basic Authentication, then specify:
    • --login: the basic authentication login
    • --password: the basic authentication login
  • Optional proxy configuration, if you're behind a proxy:
    • --proxy-host: the proxy host
    • --proxy-port: the proxy port
    • --proxy-login: your proxy login
    • --proxy-password: your proxy password
  • Optional directories structure:
    • --category:
      • cat (default), each class is put in a directory that matches its type such as:
        • ArrayType: any array type class
        • EnumType: any class that only contains constants (enumerations)
        • ServiceType: classes that contains the methods matching the operations
        • StructType: any class that is a simpleType or complexType or an abstract element
      • none: all the classes are generated directly in the root directory defined by the destination
    • --structs-folder: each struct is created in a sub directory of the root src folder. By default, the directory is named StructType
    • --arrays-folder: each array is created in a sub directory of the root src folder. By default, the directory is named ArrayType
    • --enums-folder: each enumeration is created in a sub directory of the root src folder. By default, the directory is named EnumType
    • --services-folder: each service class is created in a sub directory of the root src folder. By default, the directory is named ServiceType
  • Optional operation gathering method, if you have getList, getUsers, getData and setUser as operations:
    • --gathermethods:
      • start (default): you'll have one Get class that contains the getList, getUsers and getData methods and another class Set that contains only the setUser method
      • none: you'll have only one class that contains all the methods getList, getUsers, getData and setUser methods
      • end, you'll have 4 classes :
        • List that contains the getList method,
        • User that contains the setUser method,
        • Users that contains the getUsers method,
        • Data that contains the getData method
  • Optional generated classes namespace and inheritance:
    • --namespace: prefix classes' main namespace with your namespace
    • --standalone (default: true): enables/disables the installation of the PackageBase package that contains the base class from which StructType, ArrayType and ServiceType classes inherit. If enabled, you MUST provide the composer-name option
    • --struct (default: \WsdlToPhp\PackageBase\AbstractStructBase): sets the class from which StructType classes inherit, see StructInterface
    • --structarray (default: \WsdlToPhp\PackageBase\AbstractStructArrayBase): sets the class from which StructArrayType classes inherit, see StructArrayInterface
    • --soapclient (default: \WsdlToPhp\PackageBase\AbstractSoapClientBase): sets the class from which ServiceType classes inherit, see SoapClientInterface
  • Optional various other options:
    • --gentutorial (default: true): enables/disables the tutorial file generation
    • --validation (default: true): enables/disables the generation of validation rules in every setter
    • --genericconstants (default: false): enables/disables the naming of the constants (enumerations) with the constant value or as a generic name:
      • true: const VALUE_DEFAULT = 'Default'
      • false: const ENUM_VALUE_0 = 'Default'
    • --addcomments: alow to add PHP comments to classes' PHP DocBlock (mulitple values allowed)
  • Optional configuration file to use. It loads it first, then take into account the option you pass in the command line. By default, it uses:
    • --config: the path to any configuration file you want anywhere you want
    • the wsdltophp.yml.dist (provided with the source code) file located under the root folder OTHERWISE
    • the wsdltophp.yml file (your own file) located under the root folder OTHERWISE
    • the default configuration file located at src/resources/config/generator_options.yml


Command line

Download the binary file

$ wget https://phar.wsdltophp.com/wsdltophp.phar

Check its version

$ ./wsdltophp.phar --version

Display generic help

$ ./wsdltophp.phar --help

Display command line help

$ ./wsdltophp.phar generate:package --help

The most basic way

$ ./wsdltophp.phar generate:package \
    --urlorpath="http://developer.ebay.com/webservices/latest/ebaySvc.wsdl" \
    --destination="/path/to/where/the/package/must/be/generated/" \
    --composer-name="myproject/mypackage" \
$ cd /path/to/where/the/package/must/be/generated/
$ ls -la => enjoy!
$ vi tutorial.php

With full options

$ ./wsdltophp.phar generate:package \
    --urlorpath="http://developer.ebay.com/webservices/latest/ebaySvc.wsdl" \
    --login="*******" \
    --password="*******" \
    --proxy-host="****************************" \
    --proxy-port=*******  \
    --proxy-login="*******" \
    --proxy-password="*******" \
    --destination='/var/www/Api/' \
    --prefix="Api" \
    --suffix="Project" \
    --category="cat" \
    --gathermethods="start" \
    --genericconstants=false \
    --gentutorial=true \
    --validation=true \
    --standalone=true \
    --addcomments="date:2015-04-22" \
    --addcomments="author:Me" \
    --addcomments="release:1.1.0" \
    --addcomments="team:Dream" \
    --namespace="My\Project" \
    --struct="\Std\Opt\StructClass" \
    --structarray="\Std\Opt\StructArrayClass" \
    --soapclient="\Std\Opt\SoapClientClass" \
    --composer-name="myproject/mypackage" \
    --structs-folder="Structs" \
    --arrays-folder="Arrays" \
    --enums-folder="Enums" \
    --services-folder="Services" \
    --config="/path/to/your/configuration/file.yml" \
$ cd /var/www/Api/
$ ls -la => enjoy!

Debug options before actually generating the package

Remove --force option from the previous command line to get this result:

 Start at 2015-08-29 07:51:32
  Generation not launched, use "--force" option to force generation
  Generator's option file used: /path/to/your/configuration/file.yml
  Used generator's options:
    category: cat
    gather_methods: start
    generate_tutorial_file: 1
    add_comments: 2015-04-22, Me, 1.1.0, Dream
    namespace_prefix: My\Project
    standalone: 1
    validation: 1
    struct_class: \Std\Opt\StructClass
    struct_array_class: \Std\Opt\StructArrayClass
    soap_client_class: \Std\Opt\SoapClientClass
    origin: http://developer.ebay.com/webservices/latest/ebaySvc.wsdl
    destination: /var/www/Api/
    prefix: Api
    suffix: Project
    basic_login: *******
    basic_password: *******
    proxy_host: ****************************
    proxy_port: *******
    proxy_login: *******
    proxy_password: *******
    composer_name: myproject/mypackage
    structs_folder: Structs
    arrays_folder: Arrays
    enums_folder: Enums
    services_folder: Services
 End at 2015-08-29 07:51:32, duration: 00:00:00


Get the source code:

$ git clone https://github.com/WsdlToPhp/PackageGenerator.git wsdltophp
$ cd wsdltophp
$ composer install --no-dev

The basic way

Create a PHP script to generate the package:

$ vi generate.php


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use WsdlToPhp\PackageGenerator\Generator\Generator;
use WsdlToPhp\PackageGenerator\ConfigurationReader\GeneratorOptions;

// Options definition
$options = GeneratorOptions::instance(/* '/path/to/your/configuration/file.yml' */);

$generator = new Generator($options);

Then execute it:

$ php generate.php

Create a PHP script to use the generate package:

$ vi use.php


require_once '/path/to/where/the/package/must/be/generated/vendor/autoload.php';
use WsdlToPhp\PackageBase\AbstractSoapClientBase;
$options = array(
    AbstractSoapClientBase::WSDL_URL => 'http://developer.ebay.com/webservices/latest/ebaySvc.wsdl',
    AbstractSoapClientBase::WSDL_CLASSMAP => \MyPackage\MyPackageClassMap::get(),
// if getList operation is provided by the Web service
$serviceGet = new \MyPackage\ServiceType\MyPackageServiceGet($options);
$result = $serviceGet->getList();
// if addRole operation is provided by the Web service
$serviceAdd = new \MyPackage\ServiceType\MyPackageServiceAdd($options);
$result = $serviceAdd->addRole();
// ...

Execute your PHP script:

$ php use.php

Dealing with the options

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use WsdlToPhp\PackageGenerator\Generator\Generator;
use WsdlToPhp\PackageGenerator\ConfigurationReader\GeneratorOptions;

// Options definition
$options = GeneratorOptions::instance(/* '/path/to/your/configuration/file.yml' */);
        'date' => date('Y-m-d'),
        'team' => 'Dream',
        'author' => 'Me',
        'release' => '1.1.0',

// Generator instanciation and package generation
$generator = new Generator($options);

Unit tests

You can run the unit tests with the following command:

$ phpunit

You have several testsuites available which run test in the proper order:

  • command: tests command class
  • configuration: tests configuration readers
  • utils: tests utils class
  • domhandler: tests dom handlers (Basic and Wsdl + Tag)
  • model: tests models
  • container: tests containers (Model and PhpElement)
  • parser: tests parsers (SoapClient and Wsdl)
  • file: tests files generation
  • packagegenerator: tests generator methods
$ phpunit --testsuite=model