
Back End Repository utilizing - Node | Express | Knex | PostgreSQL/SQLite3

Primary LanguageJavaScript

==================== LOGIN && REGISTER ENDPOINTS START HERE =======================

Register a user method url: /api/auth/register

http method: [POST]


name type required description
email String Yes
username String Yes Must be unique/ Must be < 24 char
password String Yes Must be < 24 char


    email: 'anthony@gmail.com',
    username: 'Bobby',
    password: 'password'

Response 201 (created)


Login a user method url: /api/auth/login

http method: [POST]


name type required description
username String Yes Must be unique/ Must be < 24 char
password String Yes Must be < 24 char


    username: 'Bobby',
    password: 'password'

Response 200 (ok)

token: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWJqZWN0Ijo1LCJlbWFpbCI6ImJwb2x0bEBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJpYXQiOjE1NTU5NzAyMjMsImV4cCI6MTU1NjA1NjYyM30.lWi9hhalGt2ftr4Ju_jP12dCavZgXAMwABGYPzltwr8'

400 (Unauthorized) Example response

error: 'Invalid username or password, please try again with a new one'

=========================== USERS ENDPOINTS START HERE ===========================


Add a User's Business method url: /api/biz/listings

http method: [POST]


name type required description
authorization String Yes token to Authorize user


name type required description
name String Yes
yelp_url String Yes Unique


    name: 'Eataly NYC Flatiron',
    yelp_url: 'https://www.yelp.com/biz/eataly-nyc-flatiron-new-york?osq=eatzis'

Response 201 (ok)

    "id": 5,
    "name": "Upstate Pizzeria",
    "data": [
        "term": "awesome",
        "highratingscore": 0.9,
        "poorratingscore": 0.3,
        "business_id": 5
        "term": "friendly",
        "highratingscore": 0.93,
        "poorratingscore": 0.14,
        "business_id": 5
        "term": "value",
        "highratingscore": 0.99,
        "poorratingscore": 0.02,
        "business_id": 5
        "term": "cool",
        "highratingscore": 0.99,
        "poorratingscore": 0.04,
        "business_id": 5

400 (Unauthorized) Example response

error: 'Database connection has failed'


Get a User's Businesses method url: /api/biz/listings

http method: [GET]


name type required description
authorization String Yes token to Authorize user

Response 200 (ok)

    "id": 5,
    "name": "Upstate Pizzeria",
    "data": [
        "term": "awesome",
        "highratingscore": 0.9,
        "poorratingscore": 0.3,
        "business_id": 5
        "term": "friendly",
        "highratingscore": 0.93,
        "poorratingscore": 0.14,
        "business_id": 5
        "term": "value",
        "highratingscore": 0.99,
        "poorratingscore": 0.02,
        "business_id": 5
        "term": "cool",
        "highratingscore": 0.99,
        "poorratingscore": 0.04,
        "business_id": 5

400 (Unauthorized) Example response

error: 'Database connection has failed'


Delete a User's Business method url: /api/biz/listings/:id

http method: [DELETE]


name type required description
authorization String Yes token to Authorize user

Response 200 (ok)

    "id": 5,
    "name": "Upstate Pizzeria",
    "data": [
        "term": "awesome",
        "highratingscore": 0.9,
        "poorratingscore": 0.3,
        "business_id": 5
        "term": "friendly",
        "highratingscore": 0.93,
        "poorratingscore": 0.14,
        "business_id": 5
        "term": "value",
        "highratingscore": 0.99,
        "poorratingscore": 0.02,
        "business_id": 5
        "term": "cool",
        "highratingscore": 0.99,
        "poorratingscore": 0.04,
        "business_id": 5

500 (Unauthorized) Example response

error: 'Couldnt remove Biz'


Update a User's Business method url: /api/biz/listings/update/:id

http method: [PUT]


name type required description
authorization String Yes token to Authorize user


name type required description
yelp_url String Yes Unique

Response 200 (ok)

    "id": 5,
    "name": "Upstate Pizzeria",
    "data": [
        "term": "awesome",
        "highratingscore": 0.9,
        "poorratingscore": 0.3,
        "business_id": 5
        "term": "friendly",
        "highratingscore": 0.93,
        "poorratingscore": 0.14,
        "business_id": 5
        "term": "value",
        "highratingscore": 0.99,
        "poorratingscore": 0.02,
        "business_id": 5
        "term": "cool",
        "highratingscore": 0.99,
        "poorratingscore": 0.04,
        "business_id": 5

500 (Unauthorized) Example response

error: 'Couldnt update Biz'