
Working on a bash and python script that runs nmap, stores open ports in memory, then runs subsequent scans in order to further enumerate the target host.

Primary LanguagePython

There's an issue that resides within the functions 'scanprogress' and 'scanprogressVersion'. I recieve an error 'Segmentation Fault' on the line of code where the function is created. This occurs anytime I run the script where the while loop condition within the function becomes false. At least that's what it looks like to me. I believe this has something to do with the older version 7.92; newer is 7.93

Scan simply sources port 80 and 443 in an attempt to get filtered ports open. I plan on adding the ability to automatically determine whether firewall is statefull/stateless. I also plan on adding various nmap features like fragmentation, decoys, and others; I need to get data on what succeeds in the wild. I'd also like to add a way to change scan intensity before starting.