
HTML5 pure javascript router. Vanilla javascript router. JS router

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Pure JavaScript HTML5 router

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Lightweight and fast router based on HTML5 history.

Why native history instead of location.hash

  • html5 history API is more powerful (local state, previous state)
  • Forward - backward statefull navigation out of the box
  • The history API is a robust system that is actually designed to do that job (hash it is anchor to id actually)
  • No server-side hacks for remove # (hash) from URL
  • Easy and clean code


npm i html5-history-router


Configure route map

    import { Router } from 'html5-history-router';

    // Init
    router = new Router();

    // Add route change callback to router instance
    router.on('/foo', () => {
        // do something...

    // Add callbacks chain to router
    router.on('/foo', () => {
            // first callback
        }).on('/foo/bar', () => {
            // second callback (if first does not match)

Route params parser


router.on('/product/:productId', ({ params }) => {
   console.log(params.productId); // '23'


Route regexp match


router.on(/\/product\/[0-9]/, ({ path }) => {
   console.log(path); // '/product/23'


Other callbacks


router.always(() => {
    // always called on any route change
    }).on(/\/product\/[0-9]/, ({ path }) => {
     console.log(path); // '/product/23'


Routes change


router.on(/\/product\/[0-9]/, ({ path, state }) => {
   console.log(path); // '/product/23'
   console.log(extractIdFromPath(path)); // 23
   console.log(state.productId); // 23


router.popState(); // go back

// change route with state
router.pushState('/product/32', { productId: 32, allowPreview: true });

// after external route change you need call applyState
// history.pushState(state, title, url);
// router.applyState();
// then router will try match current location to defined routes

Promise resolve


    // Resolve route only when authorized
    .resolve(() => auth.isAuthorized())
    .on(/\/product\/[0-9]/, ({ path, state }) => {

Custom State

interface CustomState = { orderId: number, productType: string };
const router = new Rounter<CustomState>();
const state = { orderId: 12, productType: 'candy' };
router.pushState('/product/23', state);
