
A TypeScript SDK for the https://alpaca.markets REST API and WebSocket streams.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


version code test coverage build

A TypeScript SDK for the https://alpaca.markets REST API and WebSocket streams.


  • WebSocket Streams
  • Built-in Rate Limiting (Token Bucket)
  • TypeScript
  • Deno
  • Node (ESM)
  • > 35% Test Coverage (and growing)
  • Tree-shakable
  • Both ESM and CJS Support
  • Zero Dependencies 🤯 (you read that right)
  • Community Driven 🚀

Feel free to contribute and PR to your 💖's content.


This SDK is currently in development and not yet stable. The API may change. Please report any issues you find. Thank you! 🙏 When the version number loses the -preview suffix, the SDK is ready for production use.

From NPM:

npm install @alpacahq/typescript-sdk

From Skypack (or any CDN that supports ESM):

import { createClient } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@alpacahq/typescript-sdk";


Create a Client

First, you'll need to create an API key on the Alpaca website. You can do that here. Once you have an API key, you can use it to create a client.

import { createClient } from "@alpacahq/typescript-sdk";

const client = createClient({
  key: "YOUR_API_KEY_ID",
  secret: "YOUR_API_SECRET_KEY",
  // Or, provide an access token if you're using OAuth.
  // token: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',

You can also use the ALPACA_KEY and ALPACA_SECRET environment variables to set your API key and secret. The client will automatically use these values if they are set. They will not override any credentials explicitly passed to createClient.


Base URLs

By default, the client will make requests to the paper trading environment (https://paper-api.alpaca.markets). This is a safety measure to prevent accidental trades.

You can change this by passing the baseURL option to the createClient function. Depending on the environment, you may need to use a different API key. Types will be inferred based on the base URL you provide.

baseURL: "https://paper-api.alpaca.markets",

Here are the possible baseURL values:

URL Type
https://api.alpaca.markets REST
https://paper-api.alpaca.markets REST
https://data.alpaca.markets REST
wss://api.alpaca.markets/stream WebSocket (binary)
wss://paper-api.alpaca.markets/stream WebSocket (binary)
wss://data.alpaca.markets/stream WebSocket (JSON)
wss://stream.data.alpaca.markets/v2/test WebSocket (JSON)

Rate Limiting

You can customize the rate limiting by passing a tokenBucket object to the createClient function. This object should contain the capacity and fillRate for the rate limiter.

tokenBucket: {
  // Maximum number of tokens that can be stored
  capacity: 200,
  // Number of tokens refilled per second
  fillRate: 60,

Bursting is allowed, but the client will block requests if the token bucket is empty. The token bucket is shared across all requests. If you have multiple clients they will not share the same bucket.


How It Works

The methods are named to reflect the structure of their API paths.

  • version is the API version (ex. v2)
  • resource is the REST resource (ex. account, orders, assets, etc.)
  • method is the HTTP method (ex. get, post, put, delete, etc.)

Since the client is fully-typed 😁, you can use your IDE to explore the available methods and their parameters. They are also documented below.


These are available on api and paper-api baseURL's:

Path Method(s)
v2.account get
v2.account.portfolio.history get
v2.account.configurations get, patch
v2.account.activities get
v2.orders get, post, patch, delete
v2.positions get, delete
v2.positions.exercise post
v2.watchlists get, post, patch, delete
v2.calendar get
v2.clock get
v2.assets get
v2.options.contracts get
v2.corporate_actions.announcements get
v2.wallets get
v2.wallets.whitelists get, post, delete
v2.wallets.fees.estimate get
v2.wallets.transfers get, post, delete

These are available on the https://data.alpaca.markets baseURL:

Path Method(s)
v1beta1.corporate_actions get
v1beta1.forex.latest.rates get
v1beta1.forex.rates get
v1beta1.logos get
v1beta1.news get
v1beta1.options.bars get
v1beta1.options.meta.exchanges get
v1beta1.options.quotes.latest get
v1beta1.options.trades.latest get
v1beta1.options.trades get
v1beta1.options.snapshots get
v1beta1.screener.stocks.most_actives get
v1beta1.screener.movers get
v1beta3.crypto.bars get
v1beta3.crypto.latest.bars get
v1beta3.crypto.latest.orderbooks get
v1beta3.crypto.latest.quotes get
v1beta3.crypto.latest.trades get
v1beta3.crypto.quotes get
v1beta3.crypto.snapshots get
v1beta3.crypto.trades get
v2.stocks.auctions get
v2.stocks.bars get
v2.stocks.bars.latest get
v2.stocks.meta.conditions get
v2.stocks.meta.exchanges get
v2.stocks.meta.quotes get
v2.stocks.snapshots get
v2.stocks.trades get
v2.stocks.trades.latest get


How It Works

When you create a client with a WebSocket baseURL (wss://), a connection is automatically established. The SDK provides typed methods on the client for subscribing, unsubscribing, and handling messages. For advanced use cases, you can access the WebSocket client directly through the _context.websocket property.





Need Help?

The primary maintainer of this project is @117. Feel free to reach out on Slack 👋 or by opening an issue on this repo. I'm happy to help with any questions or issues you may have.