
code for course project of data science JH Uni. by coursera

Primary LanguageR

Read Me

After you download and unzip the database, before to use the "run_analysis.R" script you need follow this steps:

  • load the packages "dplyr" and "reshape2" (use "install.packages()" & "library()" functions)
  • define your work directory like "./UCI HAR Dataset"

Then, the "run_analysis.R" script works this way:

Read data

Read the data and load it in R from useful .txt files (train, test, features, activity)

Merge Data

Merge the train, test, features and activity data to obtain one dataframe which contains all the data

Extract Mean & Std from measurements

Select only the data of the variables with "Mean" and "Std" words in their names

Mean of each variable for each activity and each subject

First group_by the data in order the useful variables (Subject and Activity) to then calculate the mean of each other variables

Change and Order the Names

Assign the respective Activity in order to Label Index Change same parts of column names replacing for others ("." to ""; "BodyBody" to "Body"; etc)


Export the tidy data to .txt file