Global CSS Art

Welcome to Global CSS Art, a community of CSS artists from all over the world!

What is CSS Art?

CSS Art is a form of digital art that uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to create beautiful and creative designs on the web. CSS Art can range from simple designs to complex and intricate illustrations, all created using only HTML and CSS.

About Global CSS Art

Global CSS Art is a community dedicated to bringing together CSS artists from all over the world to share their work, exchange ideas, and collaborate on new projects. Our community is open to all skill levels, from beginners to experts, and we welcome artists from all backgrounds and cultures.

How to Get Involved

To contribute and see your artwork on the home page (with your username and portfolio for people to see), add a html file to the directory: /art/[username] (Make sure your CSS code only affects the div the art is in, and not the whole page) and create a pull request on this repository

We're excited to have you join our community of CSS artists and look forward to seeing your work!