
My own personal discord bot! mostly for pulling pics from Reddit as well as making cheeky remarks

Primary LanguagePython

My Discord bot

before trying to run and install you must replace the value of token at the top of the file with YOUR token. You must replace all refferences of redditUser and botName with your bots name and reddit user name. must also fill in the value for your reddit auth token and the reddit app ID

to run do the following (REQUIRES python 3.6)

1 - cd to the file

2 - run -- python3 -m pip install -U discord.py

3 - run -- pip3 install requests

4 - run -- py -3 sarina.py


  1. add timmer to random reply commands (prevent spam)
  2. add weather command based on city/zip
  3. get better with readMe markdown
  4. add anime_irl command that also adds the title of the post to the message. Its better that way
  5. add remind me command (based on hours or days, pings you with a message to remind of of what ever you'd like)

There are some "weird" commands on here. A few are per request. If you have any commands you would like requested just submit and issue and I will see what I can do. There is a line. Nothing illegal