🚀 Cookiecutter Template for FastAPI + React Projects. Using PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, and Docker
- 0
Switch component shouldn't have div as children
#188 opened by jogerj - 2
ImportError: cannot import name 'WebSocketException' from 'starlette.exceptions' (/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/starlette/exceptions.py)
#199 opened by GZ315200 - 3
is this project dead?
#198 opened by GZ315200 - 2
- 3
Front end does not respond to mouse.
#204 opened by ddcroft73 - 3
Fresh build- front end errors
#192 opened by brendan-morin - 1
Access to fetch at 'http://localhost:8000/api/v1' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy
#194 opened by will-wright-eng - 1
- 1
Types and versions
#193 opened by tomlinguist - 2
Frontend build faild
#191 opened by buaaflyaway - 3
Typescript errors on default install/up
#187 opened by mkbt - 2
click doesn't work on Frontend
#186 opened by psschand16 - 1
Any plans to upgrade to SQLAlchemy 1.4+
#181 opened by cktang88 - 1
cannot load localhost:8000
#170 opened by xFGhoul - 0
Integrate SQLModel
#173 opened by jackbravo - 0
Duplicate Superuser with same email
#172 opened by harkaranbrar7 - 5
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Nginx and frontend containers don't start
#164 opened by xFGhoul - 0
[FEATURE REQUEST] Authentication to use HttpOnly Cookie instead of Local Storage tokens
#165 opened by encryptblockr - 2
Flower not reachable
#154 opened by lucabotti - 1
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upgrade alembic error
#102 opened by mrk24251 - 1
Depreciation message in chrome
#162 opened by BugQualia - 3
Question on middleware implementation
#135 opened by NixBiks - 0
incorrect type on get_user_by_email()
#153 opened by cardoe - 4
- 3
Scripts fail with version issues on backend
#150 opened by lucabotti - 3
Map /app directory as volume for Celery worker?
#106 opened by IanSaucy - 1
How to update docker compose file for dockerswarm deployment with traefik
#125 opened by jasmindevgirl - 10
Maximum call stack size exceeded
#136 opened by robsannaa - 1
User table does not exists...
#137 opened by SimonGitter - 5
Add smpt server for password emails
#59 opened by Buuntu - 3
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GitHub "Black" code formatter check always fails.
#120 opened by JasonHoku - 2
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npm i on frontend depreciated modules
#121 opened by JasonHoku - 5
ReadMe Improvements.
#114 opened by JasonHoku - 2
Form validation errors on Sign Up and Login pages
#100 opened by adamnieto - 0
Documentation for deployment options
#45 opened by Buuntu - 8
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Documentation for setting up linters
#47 opened by Buuntu - 0
Replace snapshot tests with something else
#48 opened by Buuntu - 3
[Feature Request] Add Storybook support
#86 opened by inactivist - 2
Nginx container sometimes errors on load
#87 opened by Buuntu - 2
`E: The repository 'http://deb.debian.org/debian buster Release' does not have a Release file.`
#82 opened by gaylonalfano - 1
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Error forntend docker. it cannot run
#60 opened by ukomiljon - 0
Add example celery task and celery tests
#50 opened by Buuntu - 0
Documentation for adding to react-admin
#46 opened by Buuntu - 0