Monthly data from the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System, converted from PDF to CSV.
- AbhiAgarwalBangkok, Thailand
- alexandercbooth@github
- amandabeeMuckRock
- andrewwxyHong Kong
- AramZS@washingtonpost and @PressForward
- bdetweiler
- cheapwebmonkey@civicdata @Data4Democracy
- dannguyendata scientist wrangler/engineer
- dataaaUK
- duner
- edrubinUniversity of Oregon
- freejoe76@NBCNews
- gbroiles
- greglinch@industrydive
- hilaryfung@nprapps
- jalbertbowdenweb platform
- jamesfeigenbaumBoston, MA
- jermspeaksUnited States
- joeross@NJDCF | @adbros
- LuisSevillanoOn the Spanish Plateau
- markeselavellBrooklyn, New York
- maxvonhippelNortheastern University
- McCroden
- micahstubbsSilicon Valley
- mwoollerEspoo, Finland
- ndarvilleEurope
- omojuOakland, CA
- perborgenCo-founder at Scrimba
- prokopyev@worldbank @ucsd @open-data-science
- recoilmktgArlington, TX
- roycewilliamsGCI (AK) | ALPCA | Team Hashcat
- rrrorrr20
- tcastCustom Solutions Group
- tommeagherThe Marshall Project
- wwymakLondon, UK
- zstumgoren@stanfordjournalism