
A rust implementation for the 1 billion row challenge

Primary LanguageRust


This is a Rust implementation of the one-billion-row challenge. The challenge is to read a 1 billion row text file and calculate the min, max, and average of a weather station's temperature.

This implementation is an attempt at a pure-Rust solution. It uses no external crates at all! It's multi-threaded and will use all available CPU cores to process the file.


Note: This implementation has to be run on a Linux machine. It uses the mmap system call to map the file into memory.

First things first you'll need a dataset, I'm too lazy to make code to generate one so head on over to the C implementation where someone else made it.

Now with the dataset saved in a file called measurements.txt, simply do:

cargo run --release

This will output logs to stderr and the results to stdout.


On my machine (Framework 13) this runs in ~8 seconds. It uses all available CPU cores to process the file so this will heavily depend on your machine's CPU.