Linkedin video scraper

That's a wip for downloading videos from courses. Use at your own risk (:

Download compiled version and run it:

node ./linkedin-learning-downloader.js

Or run it from source by cloning the repo:

git clone cd linkedin-learning-downloader

Install dependencies:

npm i

Run it from source:

npm run start

Build it from source:

npm run build

As of yet, requires entering csrf-token and cookie from current session for authorisation.

Obtaining the csrf-token and the cookie

Open dev tools and navigate to a page from the course you want to download and on the XHR tab find a request that has cookie and csrf-token, these are the ones you need to paste to download videos:

Image of XHR

Storing the csrf-token and the cookie

If you plan to download multiple courses, it might be inconvenient to copy-paste the tokens all the time, so there is a way to save them.

You can save the cookie as ./dist/cookie.token and csrf-token as ./dist/csrf.token if you run the app as node dist. If you choose to do so, note that these tokens will become invalid as soon as you log off on Linkedin.

Example csrf.token and cookie.token files

