
This repository has some examples that I created to help someone in the community, if you have any ideas that might help or have doubts about how to implement something, open an issue there and when I have some time I try to create a small example of how I would apply it with Triple.... But don't give me this Create an App that Bla bla bla bla... I don't want to do anyone's job, I just want to help =D

Example with Animated List

Here we cover how to consume and add Data in Firebase

Example of how to create a service locator to not couple with package

Example of how to use localization

This project is not complete yet, here would be a way to work with Modules using Provider

How to use RouterOutlets

How to use RouterOutlets with lateral bar

Example of how to use localization with Modular

An example of how to consume data from a local database using Floor