Castle Card Game


About us

A CodeClan group project developed by original designer of the game Anthony Byledbal along with classmates Willem Prins and Neil Hanlon.


JavaScript Group Project


  • To gain experience working in a team with other developers - to understand some of the challenges this creates and ways to overcome them;
  • To have the opportunity to use Agile working methods;
  • To become more confident using Git/GitHub for a multi person project;
  • To consolidate learning from the JavaScript module;
  • To investigate some JavaScript libraries you haven't used before (learning how to read docs is an invaluable skill).


  • All members of the group contributing to the planning, development and presentation of the project;
  • Members supporting each other to make sure everyone can get the most they can from the week;
  • TDD - unit testing of models where appropriate;
  • Some application of Agile concepts e.g. a morning standup, sprints, a kanban board (Trello);
  • Regular Git commits and use of branches with frequent merges.

Original Game

The Castle Card Game is an original game created by Loic Marles and designed by Anthony Byledbal. It was developed as an educational game with which the players could learn more about medieval castles. It was never released as a physical game because the cost of production was too expensive, but found its way to the digital world.



The goal is to be the first to build your castle.

To ensure your victory you must complete 2 objectives:

  1. Amassing 20 points or more with the tool cards;

  1. Gathering all 5 necessary material cards (Money, Wood, Stone, Mortar, Labour).

Attack Cards

Your opponent can sabotage your material cards by using an attack card. These attacks are:

  • Bankruptcy to sabotage Money;
  • Fire to sabotage Wood;
  • Shortage to sabotage Stone;
  • Frost to sabotage Mortar;
  • Plague to sabotage Labour.

Defence Cards

Luckily you have defence cards that you can use to thwart the enemies attack on your materials. These defence cards include:

  • Loan to defend against Bankruptcy;
  • Water to defend against Fire;
  • Quarry to defend against Shortage;
  • Thaw to defend against Frost;
  • Apothecary to defend against Plague.

If an attack is successful and the player has no defence, the material card that was attacked is discarded along with the attack card used by your opponent.

If the player has a defence card to protect his materials, then both the defence and attack cards are discarded and the material card stays in play.


At the start of the game each player gets 5 cards in hand.

Each turn a player must play a card on the table and draw a new card. If a player has no cards to play they must discard one from their hand.


Original Brief for project:

Create a browser game based on an existing card or dice game. Model and test the game logic and then display it in the browser for a user to interact with.

Write your own MVP with some specific goals to be achieved based on the game you choose to model.

You might use persistence to keep track of the state of the game or track scores/wins. Other extended features will depend on the game you choose.

Our Brief for project:

An educational card game where the players try to build their castle faster than their opponent.


  • Should be able to display the rules;
  • Should be able to deal a deck of random cards for each player;
  • Should be able to add points for each player;
  • Should be able to show a winner at the end of the game.


  • Add different type of cards to make the game more complex;
  • Track the number of wins by each player.


The project was created with:

  • JavaScript;
  • React;
  • Node.js;
  • MongoDB;
  • Insomnia;


  • Clone github repository.

  • Open repository in Visual Studio Code.

  • Navigate into your server folder via vscode terminal and run the command below to fill the database:

npm run seeds 
  • To start the server run the command below in your vscode terminal:
npm run server:dev
  • To check if the server runs the api correctly you can go to http://localhost:5000/api/cards in your browser.

  • To start the game go to the client folder via vscode terminal and run the command below:

npm start