
Example of a React App made with the Countries API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lab: Make an app with the Countries API

Learning Objectives

  • Be able to make requests and displaying the data on the page
  • Understand how to traverse the data structure received from an API
  • Be able to implement reacts's hooks useState and useEffect

Your task is to build an app that uses this API to display information on the countries of the world 🌍


Your app should be able to:

  • Fetch all the countries from the api provided
  • Display a list of country names.
  • Add a click event to each list item which should then render more detail about that country in a seperate component.
  • Add the countries flag and languages spoken in the country to the country detail component.


  • Instead of rendering a list, populate a dropdown with all of the countries names.
  • Add a change event to the select that renders information about the selected country.
  • Show the total population of the world

Advanced Extensions

  • Show a selected countries neighbouring countries
  • Show the total population of all neighbouring countries of the selected country
  • Add a search bar to the page so that when a user enters the countries name the country detail component renders. Try to achieve this without the user having to enter the whole name.


Planning Draw a diagram of your files, detailing:

  • the state, props, components and methods for each component.
  • the flow of data throughout the application.

Expected Components for MVP

  • CountryContainer
  • CountryList (Have the country list rendering a ul with each country showing on the page as an li, no need for a CountryListItem component)
  • CountryDetail

Expected Components for Extensions

  • CountryContainer
  • CountrySelect
  • CountryDetail