
A flask app that could be used to support charities by sharing contributor's memories of the Covid-19 period.

Primary LanguagePython

Covid Stories

This project was built for week 5 of the CodeClan Software Developer course. The objective was to build a full stack web application.



The idea was to produce an app that could be used to support charities by sharing contributor's memories of Covid.

From the contributors side:

  • The app should allow the user to create, read, update and delete their profile;
  • The user should be able to create, read, update and delete memories;
  • Each memory should be associated with a charity;
  • Their profile should display the charities supported, the memories published and the events they have booked in.

From the charities side:

  • The app should allow the charity to create, read, update and delete their profile;
  • The charity should be able to create, read, update and delete events;
  • Their profile should display their supporters, the memories published and the contributors booked in in an event.


The project was created with:

  • Python 3;
  • psycog2;
  • postgreSQL;
  • Flask.


Pre-requisites and usage:

  • Install Python3 and pip3;
  • Install postgreSQL;
  • Install Flask:
pip3 install flask
  • Install psycopg2:
pip3 install psycopg2
  • Clone/download the project and navigate to that directory in your terminal client;
  • Create the database:
createdb covid_stories
  • Create the database table structure:
psql -d stories -f db/covid_stories.sql
  • Import the seed console:
python3 console.py
  • Start Flask:
flask run