
A front-end Javascript application that allows users to input World Heritage sites and see them displayed in a list

Primary LanguageCSS

World Heritage List

Create a front-end JavaScript application that allows users to input items and see them displayed in a list. This was built during the week 6 of the CodeClan Software Developer.



  • Create a form in HTML with inputs for relevant data;
  • When the form is submitted, access the data from the form in the form's submit event object;
  • Create a list in HTML;
  • Append the submitted data to the list;
  • Add a "Delete All" which clears all of the list items from the list.


  • Refactor your code, extracting helper functions with single responsibilites to keep each function small and readable;
  • Experiment with adding a new form input and experimenting with a new type eg. Add a radio button input;
  • Style your application with CSS.


The project was created with:

  • Javascript;


Pre-requisites and usage:

  • Clone/download the project and navigate to that directory in your terminal client:
open index.html