
A bot designed to scour comments for incorrect usage of English. Specifically, correcting use of 'thy' before a vowel to 'thine'. Ideally the bot will quote the offending text then give example of how it could be better said, using the user's actual word.

Primary LanguagePHP


SirCorrectALot is the name of a bot that scours forums and websites such as reddit.com for comments that misuse English - specifically 'thy' before a vowel (which should be 'thine').

Ideally, it will leave a comment as a reply to the offending comment, with a quote of the offending text before going into more detail.

The comment will include a correction of the offending word using the user's actual word and also provide an explaination:

"When 'thy' is followed by a word that begins with a vowel, it becomes 'thine'. So basically, the correct way to say it should be thine + userword"

Basic regular expressions should be used to account for all the different forms such as thy Thy THY etc.

More details to follow.