
A decentralised voting app

Primary LanguageC

Block Vote JS Edition

Welcome to BlockVote! The application where a user can propose a prompt to vote on, then vote for one of two candidates!

This app is meant to demonstrate how to create a full dApp starting from create-near-app, and also demonstrate how to implement collections and initiate a JS smart contract using the near-sdk-js!

This app was initialized with create-near-app

Quick Start

If you haven't installed dependencies during setup:

npm install

Build and deploy your contract to TestNet with a temporary dev account:

npm run deploy

Test your contract:

npm run start

Exploring The Code

  1. The smart-contract code lives in the /contract folder. There you will find the functionality implemented to store votes, store user names per prompt and store the prompt names to vote on

  2. The frontend code lives in the /frontend folder. /frontend/index.html is a great place to start exploring. Note that it loads in /frontend/index.js, this is your entrypoint to learn how the frontend connects to the NEAR blockchain.


Every smart contract in NEAR has its own associated account. When you run npm run deploy, your smart contract gets deployed to the live NEAR TestNet with a temporary dev account. When you're ready to make it permanent, here's how:

Step 0: Install near-cli (optional)

near-cli is a command line interface (CLI) for interacting with the NEAR blockchain. It was installed to the local node_modules folder when you ran npm install, but for best ergonomics you may want to install it globally:

npm install --global near-cli

Or, if you'd rather use the locally-installed version, you can prefix all near commands with npx

Ensure that it's installed with near --version (or npx near --version)

Step 1: Create an account for the contract

Each account on NEAR can have at most one contract deployed to it. If you've already created an account such as your-name.testnet, you can deploy your contract to near-blank-project.your-name.testnet. Assuming you've already created an account on NEAR Wallet, here's how to create near-blank-project.your-name.testnet:

  1. Authorize NEAR CLI, following the commands it gives you:

    near login

  2. Create a subaccount (replace YOUR-NAME below with your actual account name):

    near create-account near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --masterAccount YOUR-NAME.testnet

Step 2: deploy the contract

Use the CLI to deploy the contract to TestNet with your account ID. Replace PATH_TO_WASM_FILE with the wasm that was generated in contract build directory.

near deploy --accountId near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet --wasmFile PATH_TO_WASM_FILE

Step 3: set contract name in your frontend code

Modify the line in src/config.js that sets the account name of the contract. Set it to the account id you used above.

const CONTRACT_NAME = process.env.CONTRACT_NAME || 'near-blank-project.YOUR-NAME.testnet'


On Windows, if you're seeing an error containing EPERM it may be related to spaces in your path. Please see this issue for more details.
