
Bank app with database and styles on terminal

Primary LanguagePython

Bank App

Bank app with database(db) and styles on terminal, made with python


  • Create users and update them in the db
  • Verification login in all operations
  • Deposits with update on the db
  • Withdraws with update on the db
  • Bank movements print
  • Deposits and Withdraws have realtime date and can generate random transactions codes

How to use


First of all you need python v.3

This app is usign the version 3.7.3 of python

Also you need to have some IDE, just verify that it's compatible with python

Like Visual Studio Code. Atom, Spyder, etc.

If you want to edit the db with your own content you'll need a program that can edit .db extension

Like DB Browser


Open menuBank.py in your IDE and run this Python File in your Terminal

The db is bank.db, you can edit it if you want

Built with

  • Python - v.3.7.3
  • Visual Studio Code
  • DB Browser

Also the app is using the next modules of python:

  • colorama
  • randint
  • os
  • time