- Customization
- Choose only those libraries that you want to use in your project
- Confortable developement
- All the necessary instruments such as HotRedbad, Redux, Dev tools, etc are all included and you can adjust them to your needs
- Production optimisation
- The files are minified for the production so that the app will be more productive and faster.
- Next Generation JavaScript
- Generate the project on either ES6 or TypeScript
- Styling (optional)
- There is an option to use either CSS preprocessor or Styled-component. Also, you can use of the the CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap or Foundation.
- Testing (optional)
- Built in testing utilities for the whole project (Jest, etc)
- Style Guide (optional)
- Choose and generate the necessary configuration of the static code check
- Component Development Tool
- Libraries like StoryBook and React Styleguideist allows to create a library of components and check the various state of each component.
Install it globally:
[sudo] npm install -g react-setup-generator
Create the directory and get into it:
mkdir my-project
cd my -project
Run the generator
Choose the libraries and utilities you need. The installation of the selected ones will run automatically and the project is generated.
After the installation ends you can start the project by:
npm start
To build the app for production run the following command
npm run build