
Creating a revolute joint?

mlg556 opened this issue · 2 comments

Following the C++ API:

b2RevoluteJointDef jointDef;
b2RevoluteJoint* joint = (b2RevoluteJoint*)myWorld->CreateJoint(&jointDef);

I have tried:

jointDef := box2d.MakeB2RevoluteJointDef()
joint := (*box2d.B2RevoluteJoint)(world.CreateJoint(&jointDef))

which results in the error: cannot convert world.CreateJoint(&jointDef) (value of type box2d.B2JointInterface) to *box2d.B2RevoluteJoint

can you give an example on how to create a joint?

I have also tried:

jointDef := box2d.MakeB2RevoluteJointDef()
joint := box2d.MakeB2RevoluteJoint(&jointDef)

which results in a panic: B2Assert in the second line:

panic: B2Assert
goroutine 35 [running]:
        /Users/USER/go/pkg/mod/!byte!arena/box2d@v1.0.2/CommonB2Settings.go:11, 0xc000164000, 0x0)
        /Users/USER/go/pkg/mod/!byte!arena/box2d@v1.0.2/DynamicsB2Joint.go:366 +0x296, 0x0)
        /Users/USER/go/pkg/mod/!byte!arena/box2d@v1.0.2/DynamicsB2JointRevolute.go:156 +0x55

Hi @mlg556 (or anyone), could you get it worked ? I could instantiate. However, the motor is not revolving.