
Small collection of exceptions in a .NET Standard library.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Build status NuGet Package License: MIT


Collection of exceptions in a .NET Standard library.


ByteDev.Exceptions has been written as a .NET Standard 2.0 library, so you can consume it from a .NET Core or .NET Framework 4.6.1 (or greater) application.

ByteDev.Exceptions is hosted as a package on nuget.org. To install from the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio run:

Install-Package ByteDev.Exceptions

Further details can be found on the nuget page.

Release Notes

Releases follow semantic versioning.

Full details of the release notes can be viewed on GitHub.


The library consists of a small set of custom exceptions:

  • ApiHttpResponseException
  • ArgumentDefaultException
  • ArgumentEmptyException
  • ArgumentNullOrEmptyException
  • ArgumentNullOrWhiteSpaceException
  • DependencyNullException
  • EntityNotFoundException
  • UnexpectedEnumValueException

A number of Exception extension methods are also provided:

  • AllMessages
  • FindInner


Use when a problem occurs from a HTTP based API.

For example: an unexpected response status code, unexpected response content etc.

if (httpResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
    string content = await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

    string message = "API returned unexpected status.";

    throw new ApiHttpResponseException(message, httpResponse.StatusCode, content);


Use when an argument value cannot be it's default value.

Often in such situations the programmer will decide to throw a ArgumentException.

Using a ArgumentDefaultException instead can give greater precision of the problem.

if (myArg == default)
    throw new ArgumentDefaultException(nameof(myArg));


Use when an argument value cannot be empty.

For example in the case of an empty string or empty collection.

Often in such situations the programmer will decide to throw a ArgumentException.

Using a ArgumentEmptyException instead can give greater precision of the problem.

if (name == string.Empty)
    throw new ArgumentEmptyException(nameof(name));


Use when an argument value cannot be null or empty.

Often in such situations the programmer will decide to throw a ArgumentException.

Using a ArgumentNullOrEmptyException instead can give greater precision of the problem.

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
    throw new ArgumentNullOrEmptyException(nameof(name));


Use when an argument string value cannot be null or whitespace.

Often in such situations the programmer will decide to throw a ArgumentException.

Using a ArgumentNullOrWhiteSpaceException instead can give greater precision of the problem.

if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
    throw new ArgumentNullOrWhiteSpaceException(nameof(name));


Use when an injected dependency is null.

Classes often have dependencies that are injected at runtime through constructor, method or property injection.

A developer will often check the passed in dependency and if null throw a ArgumentNullException.

Using a DependencyNullException instead can give greater precision of the problem.

public MyService(IRepository repository)
    _repository = repository ?? throw new DependencyNullException(typeof(IRepository));


Use when an entity is expected to exist and does not.

For example an entity retrieved from storage or a database.

Sometimes instead of returning null from the method throwing an exception may seem more appropriate.

var customer = customerRepository.GetCustomer(id);

if (customer == null)
    throw new EntityNotFoundException(typeof(Customer), id);


Use when an unexpected enum value is encountered.

enum LightStatus

// ...

switch (lightStatus)
    case LightStatus.Off:
        // do something...

    case LightStatus.Dimmed:
        // do something...

    case LightStatus.On:
        // do something...

        throw new UnexpectedEnumValueException<LightStatus>(lightStatus);