
A python connector for RRP Proxy

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A python connector for RRP Proxy


from rrpproxy import RRPProxy
proxy = RRPProxy('username', 'password')

RRPProxy advises to use long standing connections. If you want to re-use the same Session:

import requests
from rrpproxy import RRPProxy

session = requests.Session()
proxy = RRPProxy('username', 'password', session=session)

connect to sandbox

from rrpproxy import RRPProxy
proxy = RRPProxy('username', 'password', use_test_environment=True)


{'code': '210',
 'description': 'Domain name available',
 'runtime': '0.267',
 'queuetime': '0'
proxy.add_domain(domain='newdomain.tld', period=2, ownercontact0='Owner', techcontact0='Tech-user', billingcontact0='Billing-User', admincontact0='Admin', auth='2foo"BAR%', nameserver0='nameserver', nameserver1='nameserver1', x-fee-amount=2000)
{'code': '200',
 'description': 'Command completed succesfully',
 'property': {
      'x-fee-amount': ['2000'],
      'x-fee-application': ['0'],
      'x-fee-currency': ['EUR'],
      'created date': ['2015-06-24 11:53:27'],
      'registration expiration date': ['2017-06-24 11:53:27'],
      'renewal date': ['2017-07-29 11:53:27'],
      'roid': ['13530236711060_DOMAIN-KEYSYS'],
      'status': ['ACTIVE'],
'runtime': '0.1',
'queuetime: '0',

Running tests

The tests can be run by using $ tox

More info

For more information related to the RRP Proxy API, visit: https://wiki.rrpproxy.net/api/api-commands/api-command-reference