Born To Simplify Development
Easy-Es is a powerfully enhanced toolkit of RestHighLevelClient for simplify development. This toolkit provides some efficient, useful, out-of-the-box features for ElasticSearch. By using Easy-Es, you can use MySQL syntax to complete Es queries. Use it can effectively save your development time.
- Auto configuration on startup
- Out-of-the-box interfaces for operate es
- Powerful and flexible where condition wrapper
- Lambda-style API
- Automatic paging operation
- Support high-level syntax such as highlighting and weighting
- ...
Demand: Query all documents with title equals "Hi" and author equals "Guy"
// Use Easy-Es to complete the query with only 3 lines of code
LambdaEsQueryWrapper<Document> wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
wrapper.eq(Document::getTitle, "Hi").eq(Document::getCreator, "Guy");
List<Document> documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
// Query with RestHighLevelClient requires 11 lines of code, not including parsing JSON code
String indexName = "document";
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest(indexName);
BoolQueryBuilder boolQueryBuilder = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
TermQueryBuilder titleTerm = QueryBuilders.termQuery("title", "Hi");
TermsQueryBuilder creatorTerm = QueryBuilders.termsQuery("creator", "Guy");
SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder();
try {
SearchResponse searchResponse =, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
// Then parse the DocumentList from searchResponse in various ways, omitting these codes...
} catch (IOException e) {
The above is just a simple query demonstration. The more complex the actual query scene, the better the effect, which can save 3-5 times the amount of code on average.
Add Easy-Es dependency
Add mapper file extends BaseEsMapper interface
public interface DocumentMapper extends BaseMapper<User> { }
Use it
LambdaEsQueryWrapper<Document> wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>(); wrapper.eq(Document::getTitle,"Hello World") .eq(Document::getCreator,"Guy"); List<Document> documentList = documentMapper.selectList();
Easy-Es will execute the following Query:
{"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"term":{"title":{"value":"Hello World","boost":1.0}}},{"term":{"creator":{"value":"Guy","boost":1.0}}}],"adjust_pure_negative":true,"boost":1.0}}}
The syntax of this query in MySQL is:
SELECT * FROM document WHERE title = 'Hello World' AND creator = 'Guy'
This showcase is just a small part of Easy-Es features. If you want to learn more, please refer to the documentation.
MySQL | Easy-Es |
and | and |
or | or |
= | eq |
!= | ne |
> | gt |
>= | ge |
< | lt |
<= | le |
like '%field%' | like |
not like '%field%' | notLike |
like '%field' | likeLeft |
like 'field%' | likeRight |
between | between |
notBetween | notBetween |
is null | isNull |
is notNull | isNotNull |
in | in |
not in | notIn |
group by | groupBy |
order by | orderBy |
min | min |
max | max |
avg | avg |
sum | sum |
sum | sum |
- | orderByAsc |
- | orderByDesc |
- | match |
- | highLight |
... | ... |
Easy-Es is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the Apache License 2.0 file for details.