
A simple extensible package containing generic guard clause extensions.

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Byteology's Guard Clauses

A simple extensible package containing generic guard clause extensions.

A guard clause is a software pattern that simplifies complex functions by "failing fast", checking for invalid inputs up front and immediately failing if any are found.


public void DepositBook(Book book)
    Guard.Argument(book, nameof(book)).NotNull();

    // Deposit the book

// OR

public class Book
    public string Name { get; }
    public string Author { get; }
    public string[] Genres { get; }
    public int NumberOfPages { get; }
    public DateTime PublicationDate { get; }

    public Book(string name, string author, string[] genres, int numberOfPages, DateTime publicationDate)
        Guard.Argument(name, nameof(name)).NotNullOrWhiteSpace();
        Guard.Argument(author, nameof(author)).NotNullOrWhiteSpace();
        Guard.Argument(genres, nameof(genres))
            .ElementsCount(c => c.GreaterThan(0));
        Guard.Argument(numberOfPages, nameof(numberOfPages)).GreaterThan(0);
        Guard.Argument(publicationDate, nameof(publicationDate)).NotDefault();

        // Initialize the book

Guard Clause Chaining

In order to make the guard code as readable as possible you are able to chain as many guard clauses as you like:

    Guard.Argument(genres, nameof(genres))
        .ElementsCount(c => c.GreaterThan(0));


Guard clauses are generic so only applicable to the parameter type will show in the IntelliSense. Additionally guard clauses with parameters will have their types infered.

Supported Guard Clauses

The library supports the following guard clauses out of the box.

For all parameter types

  • NotNull() - throw if the argument is null.
  • NotDefault() - throws if the argument is equal to its default value.
  • EqualsTo(value) - throws if the argument does not equal to the specified value.
  • NotEqualsTo(value) - throws if the argument is equal to the specified value.
  • Satisfies(predicate) - throws if the argument does not satisfy the specified predicate.

For string parameters

  • NotNullOrEmpty() - throws if the argument is null or empty.
  • NotNullOrWhiteSpace() - throws if the argument is null or empty or consists of only white-space characters.
  • InFormat(regexPattern, options) - throws if the argument is not in the format specified by a regular expression.

For IComparable parameters

  • GreaterThan(value) - throws if the argument is not greater than the specified value.
  • GreaterThanOrEqualTo(value) - throws if the argument is not greater than or equal to the specified value.
  • LessThan(value) - throws if the argument is not less than the specified value.
  • LessThanOrEqualTo(value) - throws if the argument is not less than or equal to the specified value.
  • InRange(min, max) - throws if the argument is not within the specified range.
  • NotInRange(min, max) - throws if the argument is within the specified range.

For IEnumerable parameters

  • NotEmpty() - throws if the argument does not have any items.
  • ElementsCount(guardClause) - throws if the number of elements in the argument does not pass the specified guard clause.
  • AllElements(guardClause) - throws if at least one of the argument's elements does not pass the specified guard clause.

Extending with your own Guard Clauses

To extend your own guards, you can do the following:

// Using the same namespace will make sure your code picks up your 
// extensions no matter where they are in your codebase.
namespace Byteology.GuardClauses
    public static class GuardClauseExtensions
        public static IGuardClause<Book> NotBlacklisted<Book>(this IGuardClause<Book> clause)
            if (clause.Argument.Author == "Blacklisted Author")
                throw new ArgumentException($"{clause.ArgumentName} is in the list of blacklisted books.");

            return clause;

// Usage
public void DepositBook(Book book)
    Guard.Argument(book, nameof(book))

    // Deposit the book