
windows CTF/user/kernel exploit/debug toolset

Primary LanguagePython

winpwn: pwntools for windows

for CTF windows pwn and IAT/EAT hook


  1. support python2 and python3
  2. support windbg/windbgx/x64dbg/mingw-gdb


  1. pip/pip3 install winpwn
  2. optional:
    • for debug, copy file .winpwn to windows HOMEDIR(get actual path with python: os.path.expanduser("~\\.winpwn")) and configure it.
    • pip install pefile
    • pip install keystone
    • pip install capstone


1. process
   + process("./pwn")
   + process(["./pwn","argv[1]","argv[2]"])
   + p.readm(addr,n) # read process memory
   + p.writem(addr,con="") # write process memory
2. remote
   + remote("", 65535)

3. context
   + context.timeout=512
   + context.debugger="gdb" # or "windbg" or "x64dbg"
   + context.endian="little"
   + context.log_level="" # or "debug"
   + context.terminal=[ ]
   + context.newline="\r\n"
   + context.arch="i386" # or "amd64"
   + content.pie=None
   + context.dbginit=None # used to set debugger init script
   + context.windbg=None # set debugger path, or use .winpwn to find debugger path
   + context.windbgx=None
   + content.gdb=None
   + context.x64dbg=None
   + context.nocolor=None # if set, will print non-colorful output to terminal
4. dbg: windbgx, windbg, gdb, x64dbg
   + windbgx.attach(p,script="bp 0x401000")
   + windbg.attach(p,script="bp 0x401000")
   + gdb.attach(p, script="b *0x401000")
   + x64dbg.attach(p) #can not parse script file yet

5. disable PIE:
   + PIE(exe_fpath="")
   + NOPIE(exe_fpath="")
6. asm/disasm:
   + asm("push ebp")
   + disasm("\x55")
7. winfile(fpath="./main.exe"):
   + winfile.symbols["CreateProcessA"] # return symbol's IAT/EAT offset of CreateProcessA by image base
8. wincs(ip,port)
   + wincs(ip=None,port=512): run a server to asm/disasm in remote machine for client where does not install keystone/capstone
   + wincs(ip='',512): create a client to connet to server
      + wincs.asm(asmcode='push ebp')
      + wincs.disasm(machinecode='\x55')


if you want to use debugger like gdb-peda, you need to deal with the deps yourself


  1. pykd
  2. bywin





  1. https://github.com/masthoon/pwintools
  2. https://github.com/hakril/PythonForWindows