A concurrent solution, built in C++ using the NVIDIA Library CUDA 8.5 for performing keyword density analysis on large bodies of text.
Compared to a basic sequential implementation in C++, this application runs 17x faster on a dataset of 70k words on an intel i5 3.3GHz CPU.
This application was built in parallel with a GoLang implementation, also available on my Github, which takes advantage of CPU cores. Out of the two, this solution ran slower and scaled less.
- Install Visual Studio 2015
- Install Cuda 8.5 from NVIDIA's website: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads
Get Started:
- Clone the Repo.
- Create a new CUDA project in Visual Studio.
- Import the kernel.cu file into your project (Remember to remove the main function from the default kernel).
- Copy any of the sample files which you wish to test into the root of the project.
- Build and run!
- kernel.cu - C++ Source Code for the application.
- *.txt - These files are simply available for convenience so when you run the program you can select these to parse, these can be replaced with your own target files.
- CalumBell_Text_processor.vxcproj - Example project settings
The performance of this application has been measured against a sequential C++ solution and a distributed memory solution in Google's GoLand.
Notice for particularly small datasets, this solution is slower, due to an increased overhead.