Agile_PM - API Example
API Example - A simple end-to-end project management application with handmade authentication, automated testing using chai/mocha and a RESTful API.
Application Name: Agile_PM [Node/Handlebars].
Application Description: A Node.js/Handlebars app, built with custom authentication, following best practices for RESTful API architecture. This application was built to further explore best practices in web application architecture including utilizing automated tests, different types of authorization and RESTful API design.
Prefix: AGILE_API.
Authors: Calum Bell
Development Languages: JavaScript (Node JS, React)
Development Framework(s): Handlebars, Node, Mongoose, MongoDB
Development Standards: This App is built to ESLint Developer Standards. These standards can be found in the .eslintrc
Get Started:
- Run
npm install
to install all the node modules locally - In your other tab run
npm start
to start your server. - Go to localhost:8080 and your server should be running there.
Folder Structure:
-src :: This folder contains all the server controllers, Web/API routes and front end files
--controllers :: This file contains all the server side controllers
--public :: This folder contains all the front end scss javascript and images
---scss :: SASS files
---css :: CSS files
---img :: All Images
---js :: All Client-Side JavaScript files. Browserify is ran on these files so you are able to write modular code