
Command Line Interface for the EVRYTHNG API.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Fork of evrythng/evrythng-cli.

Requires Node.js version 10 or greater

Command Line Interface (CLI) for managing credentials and working with the EVRYTHNG API from a terminal or scripts with ease. For example, all Thngs with the device tag!

$ evrythng thngs list --filter tags=device

See what's possible:

# See all commands, options, and switches
$ evrythng

# See all operations for a given resource type, such as Thngs:
$ evrythng thngs

Manage multiple API keys:

# Add a new API key to saved config
$ evrythng keys add personal us <some key>

# See saved keys
$ evrythng keys list

# or use in scripts
$ export OPERATOR_API_KEY=$(evrythng keys personal read)


Install the npm module globally as a command:

$ npm i -g @chris-lewis/evrythng-cli

Then add at least one API key using an Operator API Key available from the 'Account Settings' page of the EVRYTHNG Dashboard:

This is automatically requested when first run, by default for the US API.

$ evrythng keys add $name $region $apiKey

For example:

Key truncated for brevity.

$ evrythng keys add prod us AGiWrH5OteA4aHiM...

Usage and Help

After installation, the global npm module can be used directly. In general, the argument structure is:

$ evrythng <command> <params>... [<payload>] [<switches>...]

For example, creating a new product:

$ evrythng products create '{"name":"Some Fancy New Product"}'

Run evrythng to see all commands, switches, and options.

Some resources and operation types have short aliases. For example, to list Thngs:

$ evrythng t l


Authentication is provided in two ways:

  1. Using the keys command to store API Keys (Operator or Access Token) associated with different accounts and regions in the user's ~/.evrythng-cli-config file. Request will be sent with the currently selected key.

    # Select a stored key
    evrythng keys personal-eu use
    # Use in a command
    evrythng places list --per-page 10
  2. Using the --api-key switch to either override the currently selected operator's API key, or provide a required key (such as the Application API Key when creating Application Users). An existing operator's name chosen when using keys add is also accepted.

    Key truncated for brevity.

    # Use a raw key
    evrythng accounts list --api-key AGiWrH5OteA4aHiM...
    # Or another saved operator by name
    evrythng accounts list --api-key personal-eu

You must add at least one key before you can begin using the CLI. You'll be guided the first time if you forget.

All API keys refer to a 'region' - an API URL where they exist in the EVRYTHNG Platform. See all available regions:

$ evrythng region list

Or even add your own!

$ evrythng region add test https://test.example.com

Useful Examples

Read all places with IDs and names:

$ evrythng places list --summary

Read a Thng with a unique identifier, for use in a script:


THNG_ID=$(evrythng thngs gs1:21:test-serial-1 read --field id)

echo $THNG_ID

Export places to CSV file:

You may need to specify a non-utf8 encoding option for some consumers, such as using --csv-encoding utf16le for Microsoft Excel.

$ evrythng places list --to-csv places.csv --per-page 100 --to-page 10

Create products from a CSV file:

$ evrythng products create --from-csv products.csv

Plugin API

The EVRYTHNG CLI allows plugins to be created and installed in order to add/extend custom functionality as the user requires. These plugins are provided with an api parameter that contains methods and data they can use to implement additional functionality, such as adding new commands.

Some example plugins can be found on GitHub.

Plugin Requirements

In order to be considered a plugin, its npm module must meet the following:

  • Be installed in the same directory as the CLI, as will be the case when installed globally with -g or as a project dependency (i.e: in node_modules).
  • Have a package name beginning the prefix evrythng-cli-plugin-.
  • Have a single source file identifiable when it is required, such as setting main in its package.json.
  • That file must export a single function, which is provided the api parameter (see below). Asynchronous functions are not currently supported.

An example of such a plugin is shown below. The basic directory structure is:

- evrythng-cli-plugin-greeter
  - package.json (with main: index.js)
  - index.js

index.js exports a single function that will be run when it is loaded:

module.exports = (api) => {
  // Require minimum evrythng-cli version 1.6.0

  // Define a new command: 'greet $name'
  const newCommand = {
    about: 'Greet someone',
    firstArg: 'greet',
    operations: {
      greetSomeoneByName: {
        execute: ([name]) => console.log(`\nHello there, ${name}!`),
        pattern: '$name',

  // Register the new command

In the example above, a new command greet is added with one operation that is provided the remaining arguments, in the same way as regular built-in commands. This is validated against a schema before being loaded - it must match the structure of the above example.

The example command added in the example is then available as usual when using the CLI:

$ evrythng greet Charles
Hello there, Charles!

Plugin API

The api parameter provided to a plugin's exported function contains the following usable methods and data:

  • registerCommand() - Register a new command.
  • getOptions() - Retrieve an object describing the user's options from the CLI configuration file, which defines the persistent options preferences.
  • getSwitches() - Retrieve an object describing the currently active switches.
  • getConfig() - Get a get()/set() interface to the config file.
  • runCommand() - Run a CLI command using a list of string arguments, such as ['thngs', 'list'].
  • version - String of the current running evrythng-cli version.
  • requireVersion() - Require a semver compatible version of evrythng-cli to load the plugin.
  • getScope() - Obtain an evrythng.js Operator or Access Token scope for the currently selected key.


Launch Parameters

The structure of launch parameters is as follows:

$ evrythng <command> <params>... [<payload>] [<switches>...]

A command is implemented by adding to commands.js, and must have the following exported structure:

module.exports = {

For example:

module.exports = {
  about: 'View rate limit information',
  firstArg: 'rate-limits',
  operations: {
    read: {
      execute: async () => http.get('/rateLimits'),
      pattern: 'read',

This is so that a command can safely implements its functionality using parameters that were provided to it. A command is selected when all arguments match the pattern provided by any given operations item, including keywords such as $id or $type.

If no command is matched, the help text is displayed. If a command is not fully matched, but the arguments do start with a module's firstArg, the syntax for the module's operations is printed to help guide the user.

So for example, the thngs $id read command:

$ evrythng thngs UnghCKffVg8a9KwRwE5C9qBs read

would receive all tokens after its own name as args when the operation is called (i.e: all arguments matched its pattern):

['UnghCKffVg8a9KwRwE5C9qBs', 'read']

and is implemented thus:

module.exports = {
  about: 'Work with Thng resources.',
  firstArg: 'thngs',
  operations: {
    readThng: {
      execute: async ([id]) => http.get(`/thngs/${id}`),
      pattern: '$id read',

This architecture allows easy extension for subcommands of existing commands, or as entirely new commands that are all agnostic to each other.


HTTP requests are performed using the post, get, put, and delete methods exported by src/modules/http.js.

Switches that affect pre- and post-request behavior (such as printing extra logs, applying query params, or formatting the API response) are handled transparently in this module, so the commands do not have to handle them themselves.


Any launch parameter that begins with -- is treated as a switch, and is extracted from the launch parameters by switches.js in the apply() method before the remaining args are provided to the matched command.

After apply() is called, a switch's state in any given invocation can be determined as shown below for an example command:

$ evrythng thngs list --with-scopes
const switches = require('../modules/switches');

if (switches.SCOPES) {
  // --with-scopes was specified

If a switch is configured in SWITCH_LIST to be given with a value (hasValue), it is made available as value. This is specified at invocation time as follows:

$ evrythng thngs list --filter tags=test

The value would be read in code as:

const filter = switches.FILTER;

if (filter) {
  console.log(`Filter value was ${filter}`);
Filter value was tags=test

Automatic Payloads

The EVRYTHNG CLI uses the evrythng-swagger npm module to allow interactive building of POST request payloads using the definitions provided by the EVRYTHNG swagger.json API description. This is invoked with the --build switch:

$ evrythng thngs create --build

The CLI then asks for each field in the definition (that is not marked as readOnly) specified in the command that implements payloadBuilder.build(), in this case ThngDocument:

createThng: {
  execute: async ([, json]) => {
    const payload = await util.buildPayload('ThngDocument', json);
    return http.post('/thngs', payload);
  pattern: 'create $payload',

The user is then asked to input their values, including sub-objects such as customFields:

$ evrythng thngs create --build
Provide values for each field (or leave blank to skip):

1/7: name (string): My New Thng
2/7: tags (comma-separated list of string): cli,generated,objects
3/7: description (string): This Thng was created interactively
4/7: customFields (object, leave 'key' blank to finish)
  key: origin
  value: evrythng-cli
5/7: identifiers (object, leave 'key' blank to finish)
  key: serial
  value: 432897
6/7: product (string):
7/7: collections (comma-separated list of string):

  "id": "U5AgdeSQBg8aQKawwHsxkbcs",
  "createdAt": 1530278943537,
  "customFields": {
    "origin": "evrythng-cli"
  "tags": [
  "updatedAt": 1530278943537,
  "name": "My New Thng",
  "description": "This Thng was created interactively",
  "identifiers": {
    "serial": "432897"

Running Tests

Run npm test to run the Mocha tests in the tests directory.

Afterwards, see reports/index.html for code coverage results.