###Week of 14 Homework Node Express Handlebars ##Introduction

  • You will create a burger logger with a homemade ORM (yum!), MySQL, Node, Express, handlebars using the MVC design pattern.

  • You will use Handlebars to generate HTML.

  • You will use Node to connect to your MySQL database and Express to handle routing.

  • see demonstration of how it works

##App Summary

  • Eat-Da-Burger! is a fun app that lets a user input the name of a burger they want to eat.

  • Once submited, the burger is displayed in text on the left side of the page where it's waiting to be devoured.

  • Each burger in the waiting area also has a Devour it! button. Once clicked, the burger will move to the right side of the page.

  • Every burger entered is stored in the database


You will be fully capable of doing this homework by the end of Saturday's class.

##Setup and steps

This is how your homework should look like when done:

  • watch the demonstration of how this app works with this file in the repo: burger_demo.mp4

App setup:

  1. Create an app directory called 'burger'

  2. Make a package.json file npm init

  3. Install Express npm package npm install express --save

  4. Create the 'server.js' file

  5. Install the handlebars npm package npm install express-handlebars --save

  6. Install the method-override npm package npm install method-override --save

  7. Install the body-Parser npm package npm install body-parser --save

  8. Install MySQL npm package npm install mysql --save

  9. Setup the following npm packages inside of the server.js file

    • express
    • method-override
    • body-parser

DB Setup:

Part One

1. `npm install mysql --save`

2. Inside your `burger` directory, create a directory named `db`

3. In the db folder, Create a `schema.sql` file

4. Write SQL so that it does the following things to create the database in a `schema.sql` file

    * Create the `burgers_db`
    * Use the `burgers_db`
    * Create a burgers table like the below instructions
        * `id` as primary key auto incrementing
        * `burger_name` as a string
        * `devoured` as a boolean
        * `date` as TIMESTAMP

5. In the db folder, Create a `seeds.sql` file

6. Put insert sql queries inside of the `seeds.sql` file to populate your tables with data

7. Run the `schema.sql` and `seeds.sql` files

8. navigate to the db folder in this app
9. get into mysql
    maybe it's `mysql`
    or `mysql -u root -p`
10. run this first: `source schema.sql` - this will make the database and the table inside of it
11. run this second: `source seeds.sql` - this will populate the table with data
12. get out of mysql by typing and executing `exit`

Config Setup:

  1. Inside your burger directory create a directory named config

  2. Create the connection.js file inside config directory

    1. Inside the connection.js setup the code to connect Node to MySQL

    2. Export the connection

  3. Create the orm.js file inside config directory

    1. Import connection.js into orm.js

    2. Inside the orm.js file create the code that will execute MySQL commands

    3. Export the orm

Model setup:

  1. Inside your burger directory create a directory named models

    1. Create a burger.js file.

      1. Inside burger.js, import orm.js into burger.js

      2. Inside burger.js create the code that will call the orm functions using burger specific input for the orm

      3. Export at the end of the burger.js file

Controller setup:

  1. Inside your burger directory create a directory named controllers

  2. Create the burgers_controller.js file

  3. Inside burgers_controller.js file import

    • express
    • router
    • burger
    1. Create the routes for the app, and export the routes at the end

View setup:

  1. Inside your burger directory create a directory named views

  2. Create the index.handlebars file inside views directory

  3. Create the layouts directory inside views directory

  4. Create the main.handlebars file inside layouts directory

  5. Setup the main.handlebars file so it's able to be used by Handlebars

  6. Setup the index.handlebars to have the template that Handlebars can render onto

  7. Create a button in index.handlebars that will submit the user input into the database

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