
Create an express / handlebars / node.js / mysql app with 3 views Register - don't let someone with the same email register twice The registration should have a first name and last name Login Secret Page On the secret page, display the first and last name of the user Only an authenticated user can see the secret page (remember sessions and middleware?)

Week15 - Classwork - validation in express

  • Create a new DB
  • Create an express / handlebars / node.js / mysql app
  • Entry: The page will allow users to input an entry into the database with their name/phone number/message
  • Valiate the name so it's only strings
  • Valiate the phone number so it's only numbers
  • Valiate the message so it's min of 5 characters in length and 500 character at max
  • If all the input checks out save it to the database Else render to a fail page to tell the user what they entered didn't work

week15 -classwork

Create a new DB Create an express / handlebars / node.js / mysql app Make a page that will allow users create a user name and password Make a page that will allow users to login Valiate the name so it's only strings, and password that it has at least 8 characters Setup the model and save password into the database as hash Check the password against the hash before login

Week15 - Classwork - 2/20

Chocolate Satisfaction Level
Dark chocolate 8
Couverture 5
Milk chocolate 10
Hershey 7
White chocolate 8
Unsweetened chocolate 5
Gianduja 6
Cacao 4

Create a new DB using a Sequelize model Create an express / handlebars / node.js / sequelize app With only 1 route and display all the chocolate names and their satisfaction level.