A repository going through the JavaScript 30 challenge. The GitHub for that challenge can be found here: https://github.com/wesbos/JavaScript30

Live Demo's can be found here

helper-functions: Functions to be imported to other days.
Day 1: Drum machine with recording capabilities.
Day 2: JavaScript clock with local weather.
Day 3: CSS variable practice.
Day 4: Array method practice: Filter, map, sort, and reduce.
Day 5: CSS Flex practice.
Day 6: Ajax practice with cities and weather.
Day 7: Array method practice: Some, every, find, findIndex. Imports createTable from helper-functions.
Day 8: HTML5 Canvas mouse drawing practice. Works on mobile too!
Day 9: Dev tools console commands practice.
Day 10: Shift-click to check multiple checkboxes. Firefox does not like shift-click on labels 😔
Day 11: HTML5 video player practice.
Day 12: Detect correct sequence of keys being pressed. (KONAMI Code)
Day 13: Animation on scroll practice.
Day 14: Javascript pass-by-value practice with arrays and objects.