How to run stuff on the Legion server at UCL

Primary LanguageShell

Setting up EnergyPlus on UCL's MYRIAD (HPC)

How to run stuff on the MYRIAD server at UCL

Installing a pre-built Linux version of Energplus

1. Once logged onto MYRIAD (see https://www.rc.ucl.ac.uk/docs/Clusters/Grace/) move to a suitable directory, e.g:

cd Software/
mkdir EnergyPlus_v9.4
cd EnergyPlus_v9.4

2. Get the required version from the E+ website (https://energyplus.net/downloads), e.g for version 9.4:

wget https://github.com/NREL/EnergyPlus/releases/download/v9.4.0/EnergyPlus-9.4.0-998c4b761e-Linux-Ubuntu18.04-x86_64.sh

3. You can then follow the Linux istallation instructions (https://energyplus.net/installation-linux), but without admistrator privileges:

chmod +x EnergyPlus-9.4.0-998c4b761e-Linux-Ubuntu18.04-x86_64.sh

4. When asked (enter 'y'):

Do you accept the license? [y/\033[1;31mN\033[0m]: 

5. Choose a suitible directories when asked,:

EnergyPlus install directory [/usr/local/EnergyPlus-9-4-0]:

Symbolic link location (enter \033[1;31m"n"\033[0m for no links) [/usr/local/bin]:

6. Then just set the path to the installation folder to the director in the PATH variable (also add this line to your ~/.bash_profile file):

export PATH
PATH=$PATH:/home/<your_login_name>/<path_to_where_you installed EnergyPlus>/bin/

Running EnergPlus Simulations on MYRIAD in parrallel

1. Copy your idf files from a local directory onto MYRIAD into a suitable folder (more info: https://www.rc.ucl.ac.uk/docs/howto/#how-do-i-transfer-data-onto-the-system):

scp <local_data_file> <remote_user_id>@<remote_hostname>:<remote_path>

2. Set up your job submission script

- Series and parrallel scripts are included in the 'scripts' folder of this repository
- You will need to modify the WORK_DIR
- Specify the weather file you want to use
- Modify the number of files you want to run
- Change the runenergyplus command to suit your needs
- Contact p.symonds@ucl.ac.uk for more help with this

3. Submit the job

qsub series_script.sh  	

4. Check that the script is running (lots more detail/commands here: https://www.rc.ucl.ac.uk/docs/howto/):

qstat series_script.sh  	

Compiling EnergyPlus from source (Not trivial & not updated since 2016)

1. First you need to make sure the correct compilers are loaded. For EnergyPlus you will need:

module load cmake/
module load compilers/gnu/4.9.2

2. To get the EnergyPlus source code off GitHub you will need to:

export GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true
#make a software directory where your software will be stored
mkdir Software
cd Software
git clone https://github.com/NREL/EnergyPlus
cd EnergyPlus

3. Checkout the version of EnergyPlus you need e.g.:

git checkout tags/v8.2.0-Update-1.2
#You can do: git tag -l to show what versions are available

4. You will need to create the directory where the code is built:

mkdir ../EnergyPlus_82_Build
cd ../EnergyPlus_82_Build    
  • where you can replace "82" with a different Version if desired

5. Confure the cmake compiler in the build directory:

ccmake ../EnergyPlus
  • Press c to configure
  • Change Build Type -> Release
  • Change path -> build path created in step 4
  • Press c to re-configure
  • An extra option should appear EPLUS_BUILDSUPPORT_REPO (leave this as it is)
  • Press c to re-configure
  • Press g to generate the makefile

6. Compile the code:

make -j N   
  • where N is the number of cores to use e.g. 8
  • Wait ~15 mins

7. You will now need some files to the bin folder

mkdir bin
cp Products/* bin
cp Energy+.idd bin
cp scripts/runenergyplus bin

#Copy over any other .idds you need e.g.
cp ../EnergyPlus/idd/SlabGHT.idd bin

#and add some weather files:

mkdir EnergyPlus-8-2-0 
mkdir EnergyPlus-8-2-0/WeatherData
cp ../EnergyPlus/weather/* EnergyPlus-8-2-0/WeatherData