
A LaTeX Beamer theme for classy slides

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT


This package provides the classyslides beamer theme and extensions.

Getting Started

1. Register classycv source files

Note: The following instructions are for macOS 10.14.2 and assume that MacTeX is installed. Instructions for other platforms can be found in this StackOverflow thread.

Clone this repository into your local texmf directory

cd ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex
git clone https://github.com/classysoftware/classyslides.git

Verify by running ls -l. The output should show an entry for the classyslides folder where (<user> and <group> are placeholders for your user name and user group).

ls -la
total 0
# ...
drwxr-xr-x  10 <user>  <group>  320 12 Jan 19:39 classyslides

Run texhash as super user to add classycv's class and style files to the index.

sudo texhash

2. Create project folder for your presentation and add content

Change to a directory of your choice and create a project folder (we simply use ~/Desktop and my-presentation as the folder name in this example)

cd ~/Desktop
mkdir my-presentation
cd my-presentation

Next, add a file my-presentation.tex containing a presentation stub

cat <<EOF > my-presentation.tex


\author[me]{Me \\ me@mail.com}



  \frametitle{First slide}
  \Huge\alert{Stay classy!}

3. Edit and compile output

Edit your presentation and compile it to PDF.

Note: If you don't know how to work with Beamer, have a look at the example presentations in the folder examples/ or the quickstart presentation template in quickstart/.

Run the following command:

latexmk -pdfxe my-presentation.tex && open my-presentation.pdf

This should open a PDF viewer should and show a minimal presentation containing only a title slide and one content slide.

About classyslides

Classyslides is a minimalistic beamer theme with focus on clear layout and efficient use of space.

Core Features

  • Preconfigured block, theorem and code environments:
    • Block
    • Definition
    • Example
    • Theorem
    • Proof
    • Code (uses the listings package via tcolorbox)
  • Font theme with easy to read fonts (extension beamerfontthemeclassyslides.sty)
  • Optional header with progress bar and footer with page numbers (extensions beamerinnerthemeheader.sty and beamerinnerthemefooter.sty)
  • Optional dark and light themes (extensions beamercolorthemeclassyslideslight.sty and beamercolorthemeclassyslidesdark.sty)
  • Background image support (extension beamerinnerthemeclassyslidesbackgrounds.sty)


Sample PDF outputs for various extension configurations are provided in the folder examples/build. Extensions are indicated in the file name as follows:

  • euclid--fonts-light.pdf
    • Default fonts theme and light color theme extensions
    • Produced with \usetheme[fonts, colors=light]{classylides}
  • euclid--fonts-dark.pdf
    • Default fonts theme and dark color theme extensions
    • Produced with \usetheme[fonts, colors=dark]{classylides}
  • euclid--fonts-light-header-footer-background.pdf
    • Default fonts theme, light color theme, header, footer and backgrounds extensions
    • Produced with \usetheme[fonts, header, footer, backgrounds, colors=light]{classylides}

The example presentation was adopted from the Euclid presentation example of the Beamer user manual (Section 3., pp. 21).