
Approximate Nearest Neighbour search through product quantisation of the vectors.

Primary LanguagePython


Approximate Nearest Neighbour search through product quantisation of the vectors.

This repo is for learning and experimentation purposes. Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/C-Ritam98/ANN-through-Quantisation.git

Install dependencies:

cd ANN-through-Quantisation
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Number of clusters = 256 [config.py]

Number of subspaces = 10 [config.py]

Run the server.py file:

python3 server.py


Dimension of each vector: 100
Number of vectors : 71290
The size consumed by the vectors : 28516128
[INFO] Computing K-means clusters !!
[INFO] Computing K-means sub-clusters !!
[INFO] Computing K-means sub-clusters !!
[INFO] Computing K-means sub-clusters !!
[INFO] Computing K-means sub-clusters !!
[INFO] Computing K-means sub-clusters !!
[INFO] Computing K-means sub-clusters !!
[INFO] Computing K-means sub-clusters !!
[INFO] Computing K-means sub-clusters !!
[INFO] Computing K-means sub-clusters !!
[INFO] Computing K-means sub-clusters !!
[INFO] K-means clusters computation done !!
The size consumed by the quantised vectors : 128

Clearly, after quantisation the size reduces from 28516128 Bytes to 128 Bytes, which is 222782x reduction in size.

Test the goodness of Nearest Neighbours and the latency at the following endpoints:

ANN: http://localhost:5000/ann?query=car&top_k=10 KNN: http://localhost:5000/knn?query=car&top_k=10