
A comparison of two OO languages, Python and PHP

Object Oriented Language Comparison :: Python & PHP


  • Colin Stevens (me)
  • Colin Stevens (myself), and
  • Colin Stevens (I)

Language Comparison

This documentation seeks to examine specifically the differences in PHP and Python in regard to Object Oriented concepts.

Table of Contents

  • Language Purpose/Genesis
    • Why was the language created?
    • What problems does the language address?
    • Is the language a reaction to previous languages or intended as a language replacement?
  • Unique Features
    • Does the language have any unique features?
  • Name Spaces
    • How are name spaces implemented?
    • How are name spaces used?
  • Types
    • What types does the language support?
    • Are reference and value types supported?
    • Can new value types be created?
  • Classes
    • Definition
    • New instances of a class
    • Class construction/initialization
    • Class deconstruction/deinitialization
  • Instance Reference
    • How are names referenced from within objects?
  • Object Properties
    • Getters and setters
    • Do backing variables exist?
    • Do computed properties exist?
  • Interfaces/Protocols
    • Does the language support interfaces/protocols?
    • If so, what abilities do they have?
    • If they exist, how are interfaces/protocols used?
  • Inheritance/Extension
    • How are classes inherited/extended?
  • Reflection
    • What reflection abilities are supported?
    • How is reflection used?
  • Memory Management
    • How is memory handled?
    • How does memory management work?
    • Is there a garbage collection service?
    • Is there automatic reference counting?
  • Comparisons of References and Values
    • How are values compared?
  • Null/Nil References
    • What does the language call these?
    • What are the features of handling these?
  • Errors and Exception Handling
    • How are errors/exceptions treated?
  • Lambda Expressions and Closures
    • How do lambda expressions work?
    • How do closures expressions work?
  • Listeners and Event Handlers
    • How are listeners/event handlers implemented?
  • Singletons
    • How are singletons implemented?
    • Can they be made thread safe?
    • Can the singleton instance be lazily instantiated?
  • Procedural Programming
    • Does the language support procedural programming?
  • Functional Programming
    • Does the language support functional programming?
  • Multithreading
    • How is multitasking accomplished?
    • How do threads or thread-like abilities work?