

  • Fork this Repository
  • Clone your forked repo
  • Complete the activity Below
  • Push your solution to your repo
  • Submit a Pull Request from your repo to this repo
  • In your PR, please include:
    • Your name
    • A reflection on how you felt you did with this challenge

Iteration 1 - Visitors

Graded Items:

  1. Create a Visitor with attributes and a way to read that data
  2. Visitors have preferences and can list those preferences
  3. Visitors can check if they are tall enough for rides based on a given height threshold

Use TDD to create a Visitor class that responds to the following interaction pattern:

pry(main)> require './lib/visitor'
#=> true

pry(main)> visitor1 ='Bruce', 54, '$10')
#=> #<Visitor:0x000000012f2b2818 @height=54, @name="Bruce", @preferences=[], @spending_money=10>

#=> "Bruce"

pry(main)> visitor1.height
#=> 54

pry(main)> visitor1.spending_money
#=> 10

pry(main)> visitor1.preferences
#=> []

pry(main)> visitor1.add_preference(:gentle)

pry(main)> visitor1.add_preference(:water)

pry(main)> visitor1.preferences
#=> [:gentle, :water]

pry(main)> visitor2 ='Tucker', 36, '$5')
#=> #<Visitor:0x000000012f1f30f8 @height=36, @name="Tucker", @preferences=[], @spending_money=5>

pry(main)> visitor3 ='Penny', 64, '$15')
#=> #<Visitor:0x000000012f176760 @height=64, @name="Penny", @preferences=[], @spending_money=15>

pry(main)> visitor1.tall_enough?(54)
#=> true

pry(main)> visitor2.tall_enough?(54)
#=> false

pry(main)> visitor3.tall_enough?(54)
#=> true

pry(main)> visitor1.tall_enough?(64)
#=> false

Iteration 2 - Rides

Graded Items:

  1. Create a Ride with attributes and a way to read that data
  2. Rides have a rider log that tracks who had ridden the ride and how many times
  3. A rider's spending money is reduced by the admission fee when they board a ride
  4. A rider does not board if they are not tall enough or do not have a matching preference for the ride's excitement level
  5. A ride can calculate the total revenue it has earned

Use TDD to create a Ride class that responds to the following interaction pattern:

pry(main)> require './lib/visitor'
#=> true

pry(main)> require './lib/ride'
#=> true

pry(main)> ride1 ={ name: 'Carousel', min_height: 24, admission_fee: 1, excitement: :gentle })
#=> #<Ride:0x000000015a136ab8 @admission_fee=1, @excitement=:gentle, @min_height=24, @name="Carousel", @rider_log={}>

#=> "Carousel"

pry(main)> ride1.min_height
#=> 24

pry(main)> ride1.admission_fee
#=> 1

pry(main)> ride1.excitement
#=> :gentle

pry(main)> ride1.total_revenue
#=> 0

pry(main)> visitor1 ='Bruce', 54, '$10')
#=> #<Visitor:0x000000015a16e918 @height=54, @name="Bruce", @preferences=[], @spending_money=10>

pry(main)> visitor2 ='Tucker', 36, '$5')
#=> #<Visitor:0x000000015a11c5c8 @height=36, @name="Tucker", @preferences=[], @spending_money=5>

pry(main)> visitor1.add_preference(:gentle)

pry(main)> visitor2.add_preference(:gentle)

pry(main)> ride1.board_rider(visitor1)

pry(main)> ride1.board_rider(visitor2)

pry(main)> ride1.board_rider(visitor1)

pry(main)> ride1.rider_log
#=> {#<Visitor:0x000000015a16e918 @height=54, @name="Bruce", @preferences=[:gentle], @spending_money=8>=>2,
 #<Visitor:0x000000015a11c5c8 @height=36, @name="Tucker", @preferences=[:gentle], @spending_money=4>=>1}

pry(main)> visitor1.spending_money
#=> 8

pry(main)> visitor2.spending_money
#=> 4

pry(main)> ride1.total_revenue
#=> 3

pry(main)> visitor3 ='Penny', 64, '$15')
#=> #<Visitor:0x0000000159a852a0 @height=64, @name="Penny", @preferences=[], @spending_money=15>

pry(main)> ride2 ={ name: 'Ferris Wheel', min_height: 36, admission_fee: 5, excitement: :gentle })
#=> #<Ride:0x0000000159a0cd00 @admission_fee=5, @excitement=:gentle, @min_height=36, @name="Ferris Wheel", @rider_log={}>

pry(main)> ride3 ={ name: 'Roller Coaster', min_height: 54, admission_fee: 2, excitement: :thrilling })
#=> #<Ride:0x0000000159ae7a68 @admission_fee=2, @excitement=:thrilling, @min_height=54, @name="Roller Coaster", @rider_log={}>

pry(main)> visitor2.add_preference(:thrilling)
#=> [:gentle, :thrilling]

pry(main)> visitor3.add_preference(:thrilling)
#=> [:thrilling]

pry(main)> ride3.board_rider(visitor1)

pry(main)> ride3.board_rider(visitor2)

pry(main)> ride3.board_rider(visitor3)

pry(main)> visitor1.spending_money
#=> 8

pry(main)> visitor2.spending_money
#=> 4

pry(main)> visitor3.spending_money
#=> 13

pry(main)> ride3.rider_log
#=> {#<Visitor:0x0000000159a852a0 @height=64, @name="Penny", @preferences=[:thrilling], @spending_money=13>=>1}

pry(main)> ride3.total_revenue
#=> 2

Iteration 3 - Carnival

Use TDD to create a Carnival class that adds the following functionality:

  1. Each carnival has a duration, as well as a way to read that data
  2. Each carnival has rides and can list those rides.

Additionally, use TDD to add the following functionality to the Carnival class. A passing challenge will complete at least one of the following. We recommend completing more than one if you have time.

  1. A carnival can tell us its most popular ride.
  2. A carnival can tell us its most profitable ride
  3. A carnival can calculate the total revenue earned from all its rides.

Iteration 4

  1. A carnival can provide a summary hash that includes:
    • Visitor count
    • Revenue earned
    • List of visitors and each visitor's favorite ride and how much total money a visitor spent
    • List of rides and who rode each ride and the ride's total revenue
  2. The Carnival class can calculate the total revenue of all carnivals.
